• The sun had finished going down, letting the moon out. Adriane could now come out of the boardered-up, abandoned house she'd been squatting in for the past couple of months. She sat up in her bed, her long black hair was down from it's usual bun. She smirked at herself in the mirror that sat across from her, her brown lipstick shimmering and her red eyes glowing. She got up out of the old, creaking bed and pull her hair up into a bun, leaving two strands of hair hanging on either side of her face. She put a clip in her hair and put on all her necklaces that she had found in the house. Someone once loved those necklaces, wore them on special occasions. Now they were dead and it didn't matter. She wore a simple black tank-top and black skinny jeans with a pair of shoes that said "All Stars" on them with a signature of someone named "Chuck Taylor". These clothes were loved by a young teenage girl at one point. But she was dead also, so it no longer mattered. Not one gave a s**t about dead people. She looked herself over in the mirror, smirking. She looked like se was 17. So young. So fresh. She'd been 17 for a long... Long time. She laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror, adoring how beautiful she knew she was. She walked out of the room, the door barely staying on it's hinges. She loved the night-life. She went to the front door and stepped out, looking around. At this house, she was alone from about 5 miles, town was far off. She could be there in seconds. She ran as fast as she could, making her way towards town. This was the time of night when only scum bags and young party-goers were out. It smelled like the rotting of the world. She smirked and jumped onto a roof-top when she got into town, looking down on the decaying world beneath her.