• Conclusion

    ....What happened?....
    I wake up and find myself in complete bloodshed; around me, on my clothes, and the big pool of it I woke upon, with a smell of decaying bodies. As my eyes adjusted more and more to my surrondings, I notice I'm in a jail cell, among tens of thousands of departed bodies, most of them I didn't know, and some of them that seemed familiar. I had an overflowing amount of questions, but out of all the bodies, it seemed there were all lifeless. So I try to get up, to escape from this hell of a world, unlike anything I've ever seen, but my limbs were in chains and my movements led to agony, so I slump back down into my previous position, and slowly close my eyes. Then, I struck open my eyes as I heard a sound of footsteps; the only other sound besides my slow, senseless breathing.
    "It's a shame that you couldn't live up to your goal, isn't it, foolish little brother?" Itachi! He did all of this?! That little dumbass! I wanted to scream at him, skin him, and commit the worst torture I could, but I couldn't even give off a shudder. "Hmph, at least you can join the corpses of the Uchiha, the very ones that lie by your side, that wouldn't be so bad?" I look up, ignoring the pain, to see if any of these bodies belong to the Uchiha, but Itachi noticed my struggle. "Don't believe me? There," he said pointed northeast of where I was gazing, "that's dearest Mom, with her eyes still moist from her last weep, before I killed her. It's a shame how she couldn't even survive my Tsukiyumi." I cried furiously, trying to imagine the pain of my people, and how I couldn't protect them from this demon. I looked over at Itachi, then he opened his mouth to speak. "Well, you did have a good life. Becoming a well known ninja in your village, and famous for your turn-around by joining Orochimaru. To bad he couldn't get that Sharingan from you, It's a pity." He looked at me, then at the rest of the room. "I think it's time to put you to sleep, where
    I should have eight years ago," he said with a grin, fixing his eyes on mine, knowing today will be my last. I struggled with myself, wanting to get out of this mess, wishing that I would've never left the Leaf Village, and stayed with Naruto, and Sakura, and even that b*****d Kakashi, but I can do nothing now. Just then, Itachi lifted his foot, right above my head and ready for finishing touch of his assassination against the clan, and right then, my final thought ran across my head. Why couldn't I have a normal brother? Followed by that was his foot coming down on my fragile skull, until my eyes lost their color..... "Good bye, brother...."