• The Egyptian Cinderella
    Once upon a time, there was a happy little family living in a two story hut on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. There was the step-mom, Ella, the two beautiful step-sisters, Pauline and Juliet, and then there was Cinderella, the demanding evil daughter of Jasper, the jester for the king. Since Cindy’s father was always gone, she took advantage of it and ordered Pauline and Juliet to do all of her chores so she could go up to her room and order her beautiful dress from Hollister for the Prince’s ball next week.
    A week later, the ball came so quickly Cindy didn’t get a chance to order her hot pink diamond earrings that match her gown. Instead she put on her silver necklace her mother gave her before she died. That night she crept down the squeaky, wooden steps, in her dress, quietly so her sisters won’t notice, but almost instantly Juliet comes running up the stairs in the pitch black darkness carrying a pail of soapy water from mopping up the stairs. Sending Cindy flying, Juliet watched in pity as Cinderella lands on her backside with a thump. A moment after that, the pail comes flying down toppling upside down above her. All the dirty liquid fell over her and drenched the poor girl. Cinderella went running down the stairs and threw open the door, nearly tearing it off its hinges. Tears went rolling down her tomato red cheeks. Out of nowhere came a “poof” and a fairy with a cloak as blue as the summer sky appeared.
    “I am your godmother.” Explained the miniscule human.
    As if she had practiced this many times before, Cindy threw herself to her knees and begged for 3 wishes.
    “Please, please, please, give me a whole new outfit so I can go to the ball and dance with the King’s son, Edward!” cried Cinderella
    And that’s just what she did. With a flick of her wand, Cindy’s wet, matted hair had now changed into a neat bun. Her damp, cotton dress disappeared and a sparkling white silk dress appeared in its place. The pink plastic flip flops transformed into clean, glass heels. But that’s not all; a carriage flew down from the dark sky and landed in front of her. Then four camels appeared to pull the carriage.
    “The carriage will take you to the ball in style.” The fairy quickly said, seeing the look of surprise on Cinderella’s face. “Just remember to be back by midnight, oh and the camel’s spit, so be careful!”
    Off she went, bumping along inside the tiny space down the rutted lane to the castle.
    An hour later, she arrived at the royal court. Cinderella stepped out and caught Edward’s eye. They smiled at each other but Edward’s smile faded and he greeted one of the other guests.
    Once she got out, one of the camels decided her head was a good place to spit and seconds later, a wet sloppy ball of spit flew from the camel and landed right on target, Cinderella’s hair.
    “AHHHH!” Comes a scream so terrifying, people a mile away could here the ear splitting sound. Obviously Cindy mustn’t have remembered the warning her godmother gave her.
    Inside the ballroom, the Prince asked the nervous Cinderella to dance. They danced and danced, and when the clock tower chimed the final stroke of midnight, all you could see was a cloud of dust. When the dust cleared, Cindy was standing there in the ballroom, wearing her pajamas, pink monkey p.j.’s, pig slippers, and a big mess of bed head.
    “IMPOSTER!” Edward screamed. “You are certainly not a princess! You are to be sent to the dungeons!”
    “I, I, I.” Cindy stuttered.
    “Wait!” exclaimed a prince whom she had never met before. “I am Prince Fredward and I wish to marry her, if it’s alright with you, my lady.” Fredward exclaimed.
    “YES!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.
    “Then we shall fly to Las Vegas tomorrow to get married and become superstars, we will stay there for the rest of our lives and raise a family there together.”
    Everybody was astonished at the scene they just watched. But nobody really cared because no one had ever liked Cinderella, who bossed everybody around, so they were happy to see her go. Everybody lived happily ever after, even Pauline and Juliet who married their high school sweethearts.
    The End