• MoonSong laid herself down on the ground. She looked below the cliff she rested on. The ground seemed so far from here. The she-wolf breathed in the crisp, night air and folded her aching wings. She had been flying for what had felt like weeks, when it had really been two days. MoonSong looked down at the deer carcass in front of her. She dug into her meal ravenously. When she had finished her meal, the former wolf princess looked at the cave that lay behind her. "It's a good thing I found this place." she whispered to herself, stepping into the cave.
    MoonSong was greeted with unfamiliar scents as she stepped in. She examined the ground. There were two beds of moss, leaves, and feathers and whatever else was deemed soft and comfortable to a wolf. It appears I am not alone here. thought MoonSong calmly. She wasn't worried. The she-wolf strode over to the back of the cave and laid down, resting her head in her white paws. There was a small trough of water beside her. It was strange to find a cave with water. She gazed into the water to find her reflection staring back at her. White fur with blue tints, strong, powerful wings with the same blue tints, crescent moon mark on her forehead, icy eyes staring. Beauty. Wild, untamed beauty. But she didn't see it. All she saw was a wolf with a journey ahead of her.

    Moments passed and MoonSong was about to fall asleep when she heard the fluttering of wings and the scrabbling of paws on stone just outside the cave. She looked up, barely opening her eyes.
    "Do you smell something odd, ShadowLord?" asked a voice. It was male.
    "Yes. I do. It smells like another wolf. And if my nose is correct, it is lingering in the cave." replied the voice addressed as ShadowLord.
    "Well, then let's go see who the trespasser is." said the first voice.
    MoonSong's muscles tensed, ready for a fight to the death. She feigned sleep for the advantage of surprise. Soon she was attacked and rolling on the floor with her attacker. She swatted at him in the face with her paw and kicked him, knocking him off and sending him flying. He hit the wall. He was about to come back to retaliate, when the other one stepped forward. His pelt was black with red markings like scars. His eyes were black as night. And his wings were like a crow's, only much more handsome and graceful.
    "I wish for peace, not a fight. Whoever you are, we wish you no harm unless you provoke me and my friend. I am ShadowLord, and this is my friend, Redd." he said calmly.
    MoonSong stood up, her hackles still raised. Then she examined the one who she had fought. He was large and angry eyed. His pelt was full with tints of red, gold, and orange, like a fire. Normally, his appearance would mean nothing to MoonSong. However, he was an exception, he had no wings. A rather abnormal thing for one of their kind.
    "I am MoonSong. A mere traveler. Though I am still a capable fighter." she said, her stature proud and unafraid.