• Dear Life, [[Tuesday]]

    How I've longed to see Him. He has moved away to a different part of land that his Father is willing to take over. The two are like millionares. A few months ago, my Love told me that we were basically to be seperated by a marriage from a human.

    Dear My Life, [[Thursday]]

    He's come. He's come to visit! In about the next few weeks at a family reunion. I cannot wait to see his face again, and I've never interfierred with the Skye kids so therefore I haven't to worry about loosing my love for him [[like that'd ever happen]].

    Dear I donnot Know what to call it anymore... [[Saturday a few weeks after]]

    I am about to snap my flute in half due to the labyrinth in my head. Okay here's the deal. He knows my name and almost everything about me and all I know is his name. He's had my phone number for, God knows how long and is just like a stalker! And what was with me! I was being kind to him, taking him out of sight from my father so he wouldn't get hurt or anything. Do i like this guy!? No...no no no it's Raven. Just about in two days he'll be here.... He's my true Love, right?

    Dear Life, [[Same day]]

    Okay, I'm hanging around him and were being nice....nice nice nice...He looks terrified of me though. Which is how it's supposed to be..

    Dear Life [[Night of Family Reunion]]

    Oh, Dear God how will he take this? My feyonce is a human? What will Raven think? He seems to be acting all rude and ridonculisly mean to Nick! Ughh he's engulfed with rage and hatred and jealousy. I'm starting to think Nick is getting jealous for no reason. Sure somewhere In my nowhere-to-be-found-heart I'm still crazy for him but..........