• As Amy Avalon looked out the window she saw a full moon. "Angel wake up its a full moon tonight Alex should be strongest at this time." said Amy, gently waking up a little girl beside her. Angel's element was light and alex's element was darkness. "realy?" said Angel finaly waking up from her sleep. "i bet Ragnorock wont send alaster tonigh then will he." said alex coming out of the restroom. ragnorock was an elementalist like Amy, he could also controll the elements. "Dont get cocky remember ragnorock wont stop persuing us until A) he kills us. or B) he captures the element worriors." said amy looking straight into Alex's eyes. "Dont worry he wont attack trust me." suddenlt the plane shook violently and the lights went out. "hello fellow passengers." said a sinister voice from the speakers above them. "you are now reaching your final destination......death!" suddenly creatures appeard out of the dark. Angel lit up the place with her power and they gasped when they saw the number of shades there were in the plane. "alright folks lets get this party started!" yelled Alex as his eye were gathering a dark aura. " NO! ALEX! GET OUT OF THE PLANE RAGNOROCK PLANS TO DESTROY ALL OF US SO WE CANT BOND WITH THE ELEMENT WORRIORS! GO WITH ANGEL WHILE YOUR POWERS ARE STILL AT THERE PEAK!" Amy screamed as the shades began to cackle and gurggle. Alex finaly obeyed after Amy screamed it again and again. he took a parachute, put it on, took Angel, opend the plane door and jumped out. then the shades attacked. Amy thought of a weopon to summon and quickly her dual pistols appeared. amy shot, and shot, and shot until all the only thing left were five big shades and a sinister looking person. and that person was alaster. "so the girl and and the man esaped. big deal. we atleast can get rid of the elementalist. lets do it slowly and realy painfuly." said alaster. suddenly a gob of web came from alasters mouth which hit Amy and sent her flying to a chair and sticking her there. "Most spiders i know shoot webs out of there buts. what dose that say about your face." amy said as she burst fromm the weebing and out the plane door without a parachute. before Amy got out all the way she shot the planes engine from the outside. then.... Amy fell. and what happens next is for another story.