• Hawkswing wakes up in his dream but has no idea where he is. Where am I he asked to him self in confusion? Greetings hawkswing a mysterious voice says to him. Who are you hawkswing asked bewildered. I am a cat from many moons ago before the clans you no of today ever existed. But how did you know my name Hawkswing asked? I known you for a very long time now hawkswing, I have been watching you are a great fighter and you are very ambitious I have seen that in your mind. You think that you can over through the clan of the south do you not? Well yes I think that I could take forrestsky’s place after he grows old and cannot take the position any more, That’s exactly what I mean hawkswing your ambition is growing out of your control and if you cannot control it, it might control you and take over everything you accomplished in the past moons. Why are you telling me this now Hawkswing asked. Because I also came here to give you a prophecy you must carry on as a task to prove your self worthy of leader of the clan of the south. What is the prophecy he asked to the other cat. The other cat begun to fad but as he started to he said South, North, East and West will divided and the clans will fall and from which rises new ones to rule the area from which the clans came. What does that mean Haekswing asked. You will find out soon enough young one, you’ll find out soon enough. Wait don’t leave me yet Hawks wing yowled into the darkness. But then he binked and he was awake again. What was that he asked him self giving him self a quick lick on his coat and walking out of his den.