I packed the rest of my stuff and picked up my Overnight bag. *Checked watch* "Better head down to the next Street, or I'll be late for Meagan's sleepover!" "Even if you do miss it," my mom said. "She is always welcome to stay here." I gave her a hug. She glanced at the clock. "You better get going. It is nearly 5, and I have a Parent Teacher Conference with your brothers teacher." She gave me good-bye kiss. I unhooked my bike and rode to Meagan's house. When I got there, I knocked on the door. She lives with other people, because she is not very "Wealthy". "Is any one there?" I shouted. The door opened a crack. "Meagan? Is that you? I'm here for the sleepover...?" "M-Meagan went to the University." "Thanks." I picked up my bike and rode over to school. I ran into the Principal's Office. "Is *Gasps for air* Meagan Skyler here?" I sat in a chair. "She's at math class." the Vice-Principal said, not even looking up from his paperwork. "Thank*gasps for more air* you." I sat on my bike and rode to math class. "Mr. Garcia?" I said as I entered the class. "Is Meagan Skyler here?" "No," he said looking up from his calculator. "She left and said she went to Language Practice just about 20 minutes ago." "Oh," I whispered. "Thanks, anyway." "No problem!" yelled a student in the back, giggling. I kicked up the stand of my bike and rode to Ms. Julie's room. I walked in. I took a long sigh. "Ms. Julie? Please tell me Meagan is here!" Ms. Julie squinted at me. She took off her glasses and said, "Nooo. She went home." she said. Poor thing, I thought. Probably can't even see without glasses. I silently left this time, and calmed down. I wheeled my bike for awhile, then hopped on and rode over to I think you know where, and very fast. I rang the doorbell at the Skyler home. Mark Skyler answered the door. "9 o'clock. What's up?" he whispered. "Please," I said gasping for air. "Tell me that Meagan is here!!!" "You must be lucky to leave." He said. "Huh?" "She went to your house, to wait for you!" I forced a smile and a slight laugh. "Bye." I said. I rode over to my house, calmly and hapy to. There was Meagan Skyler, asleep on the porch. I giggled and gave her a kick. She woke up. "Andreea Jaman!" she said. "You startled me!" "From your sleep? Your a heavy sleeper!" We laughed. "So lets go!" I said. "Where?" Meagan asked. "Uh, to your house silly!" I said, giving her a shove. "Partys canceled!" she said excidedly. "Huh?" "We have mosquitos." she whispered. "But why are you so proud of it?" I said, upset. She picked up a bag and shoved it infront of my face. "I'm sleeping over here!"