• Gazing at the stars above you can tell many stories, but the one story I am to tell you happened many of years before, so long that time doesn’t even exist.

    This story starts when the five greatest and brightest stars aligned. As that happened the Miona gave life to an Elvin kin. The ones that were to be given this great gift looked upon the child and there on the left hand showing as clear as the moon and sun was a strange birthmark. The mark looks like the sacred tree. At this the only name that could befell the mothers lips was the name Aniatra, the sacred word for godchild or chosen-one.

    As the Elvin-girl became one month old, the fact that she was born spread through out the realm and the news of the chosen-one’s birth had brought to Sorcerers ears. The Sorcerer had been looking for the child since the alignment and now that he new she lived he vowed to hunt every realm to find her. For he new of what secrets she holds.

    When word got to the parents of the Sorcerers hunt, they called all the fairies to them for help. Pleading that they would find a safe home for Aniatra to stay, until, she came of age that she could control her magic. The fairies looked hard for days, and then they came upon an Elvin couple who lived in the Enchanted Forest of Elventrel. They agreed to raise the child as if The Great One had bestowed her upon them. Though they knew that they would have to give her up once she came of age the parents sat holding their gift for the last time as the fairies told them of her new parents and that it would be best if the child didn’t know of them at all. Sadly they agreed that it was best and gave there child to her new parents and watch as they strode off with there new child. Whom they renamed Ania or a daughter of the moon.

    As Ania turned two years, her beauty was unbearable the Childs skin was as clear as the cleanest river and her eyes were a soft brown as the trees, but her hair was finer then any other with the look of all the trees in the realm. The parents new that once she proved to be ready the fairies would come and bring her to her real home and that they were the ones to start her training. Though however it hurt them they new the responsibilities that they must do.

    Ania grew to learn that she was to learn the ways of magic, Elvin healing, artisanship, and the speech of the forest. It was hard to learn the ways of Elvin-magic when she could not understand it, but over the years Ania found it easier to do and by the time, she was four she had mastered the speech of the forest.

    When her seventh birthday came, Ania had mastered all the training that they knew. The parents then knew that it was finally time that they told her the truth about themselves. They went out to find that she was at the top of a tall tree returning a baby bird back to its nest and talking to the mother about the nest being too small for the whole family to fit in. The mother, Winda called up loudly "Ania, come down here please. Your father and I have to talk to you!" As Ania started to climb down Winda turned to her husband, Wingor and saw that, he was shaking and had a startled look upon his face. "Dear," Winda said, "What is troubling you?" Wingora looked up at his beloved wife and answered, "What is bothering me is the fact that we must tell her the truth of our past and, well, I am afraid that she will hate me." Tears swelled in his eyes and he swallowed hard to keep the tears from running. Winda was about to try to comfort him, when a voice broke the silence and she knew that it was time.

    "Mother, father, why have you called me from my friends? I thought that I was to care for the animals and learn to speak in their language?" Ania said curiously to them. Winda turned to face a confused girl’s face and said, "My dear, your father and I have talked it through and we agreed to tell you what we have been scared to tell to anyone, even you. The truth is that we are not all elf at all. I am only one-8th elf and the rest of me is actually...well...fairy." With the last words finally out of Winda's mouth, she found that is was easer to talk to anyone. Ania was very confused; she did not see anything about her mother to have any resemblance of a fairy at all! "Mother," she asked, "Why did you think that you should hide that from me?"
    "Well...I...just thought that you would not like me for hiding the facts from you."

    Ania was about to complain when she realized that her farther had not said a word the whole time. "Father," She stated, "Why haven't you said a word at all? You are usually always talking when this kind of thing is happening." The concerned looked in Ania's eyes was too much for Wingor to handle. Turning away, he said, "I am afraid that if I tell you my past, you will fear and hate me from then on." As he said this tears came to his eyes once more, but this time he could not hold them back. Ania watched as her father turned away and flead to the river nearby. "Dear mother, why is my father afraid of my reaction to how his past was? I see no reason to hide your past from the world." Winda looked down at her child and saw that the knowledge of the many wise before them was showing its place within her face. "Oh how I wish to tell you, but I'm afraid that only your father can tell you his own past." With that, Winda turned to walk away. Ania knew that her parents were afraid of something more than what they were telling her, but why were they so afraid of her reaction are. The anger of the fact that her own parents feared her came boiling over, Ania's hands clenched as she heard a voice behind her say "What are you waiting for. You know that they fear you and I can tell that they also hate you and your power." Turning quick Ania found that running off into the forest was the strangest looking creature she had ever seen. This creature had wings similar to hers, except that they were black instead of white at the ridges and red in the middle instead of a blueish-green.

    The odd creature was right, her parents were afraid of her, but for reasons she did not know. This was too much for her to handle. She felt the anger boiling over, yet this time Ania had no control over it. She felt it growing and overcoming her body. Then she could no longer see and finally she went out all together.

    Winda went to Wingor's side and said, "Dear, I know of your fears, but keeping them from your daughter is equally as bad. You must tell her she will understand this I know for a fact." Wingor looked up his eyes clouded for tears that he had shed and said, "I know that holding this from her is wrong, but you don't understand Ania has extraordinary magic and now if of al things if she becomes angry her magic will overpower her and she won’t be able to control what she's doing." The face upon Wingor's scared Winda, because his face was now showing the nature of his past and slowly he began to turn pink, then it turned to a dark red. Winda knew that his own power was slowly overcoming him as well and he was trying so hard to fight the earge to attack. Winda ran to her beloved and called to him, but it was to no use, Wingora could not hear her at all. Then Winda heard something behind her as she turned to see what it was and she found herself looking at her own daughter rising in front of her! The first impolse that Winda had was to run, yet her motherly instinct told her body to hold its ground and try to stop Ania's body from rising any further. As she watched Ania rising higher into the sky she thought that she saw glowing coming from her left hand! Winda suddenly thought, ""Ania, her power is mostly contained not from her inside, but from the mark on her left hand! Nevertheless, that means that the mark is no ordinary mark at all. I t must mean that she is of royal blood!"" The sudden shock of finding that Ania was of the rolilty family blood was to much for Winda to hold, taking a deep breath she came back to her self again. She knew then what to do. Running up to Ania, Winda sang a song as sweet and strong as a mothers hug... it went like this...
    ""Though the world is large and the universe is great,
    We will always find a way back home.
    And though the times that our people have gone,
    We will always find our way back home.
    Through the night and through the stars,
    We will follow Him.
    We will find our way,
    Our way,
    Back home."

    As the last note was done the light within Ania's hand was gone, yet she remained unconscious. Ania slowly fell back to the earth, and there she remained for a few minutes as Winda stood over her for the last time with tears in her eyes, for she knew that, it was time.

    Ania awoke with a very odd filling in her head; it felt as though she had been asleep for ten years. As she blinked and looked around, she slowly began to realize that she was not in her room back at home, everything looked so different to her. Looking around she saw that she was in a very large room, and that she was no longer in a wooden house but instead a place made up of stones and bricks! ""How did I get here, and where my parents!"" she wondered. ""All I can remember is a strange looking creature running off into the woods, after it said that my parents wanted to get rid of me."" The thought of that came back to her and stronger as she looked around the room that she found herself in. Looking around she found that the room looked as though it was to fit a princess instead of a guest. The bed that she lay in lined with satin sheets and the blanket was a dark green. As for the cover, it was a moroonish-red. There across from her bed was a grand window looking down to the gardens below. The drapes that covered the window were also made of the moroonish-red and green outline. The designs, that covered both the curtains and the cover on her bed was in the shape of a familiar looking tree. ""Why is it that this tree reminds me of something? I just keep feeling like I know that tree from somewhere, I just don't know where."" Then it donned on her! The same tree shaped stitch was also the birthmark that was upon her left hand! ""But what does it mean,"" she thought, ""I know that it must mean something to have it stitched into cloth.""

    Ania decided to look more carefully around the room, hoping that she might find some sort of clue as to why this tree seems to be so important. As she looked she found more items with the same tree on them, she found the dresser placed to the wall to the right of the bed had the same tree engraved into the sides. Upon the dresser sat a large mirror that was held up by the tree, and in front of it laid as though it was handled with a gentle hand lay the most beautiful brush Ania had ever set eyes one. It looked as though the bristles for the brush was made up of a white horses mane, but the handle is what caught Ania's eye, the handle looked as though it was made out of ivory! These were not the only lovely items within the room, there was as lovely bench sitting in front of the window that like most of the items within the room had the very same tree engraved into its side. The cloth that covered the bench was the same green as the blanket on the bed. It was the perfect spot to sit to read a story.

    As she looked around, Ania realized that for some reason there was no door in sight! Ania became frantic to find the door leading out of the room, but the more she looked the more trapped she found herself even more trapped than before! ""No! I do not wish to stay trapped here forever like a cursed maiden! I wish to be free so I can help the others in the realm that cannot look out for itself! That's what mother told me I must do anyway, so why did she send me to a room with no doors!""

    "Why must I have to suffer the torcher of being enclosed behind four walls? Why must I have to ender the exile when there are others out there that need the help from my magic? I wish I could understand all of this, but I do know that all things happen for a reason, my mother told me this so it must be true. So what is the reason for my being in here?" As Ania called this out to the empty room, she saw a strange engraftment in the floor that she had not seen a minute before. For a second she thought it might have appeared, but then she just told herself that it was always there and there was no reason to think about it any further. "Oh mother! I wish that you were here with me so I do not feel so lonely right now. All I wish to have right now is my mother, just at least for a wile nothing much, but I do wish you were here to comfort me right now at least!" At that very moment, as she cried to the sky outside the empty wall slowly began to take the form of a door, just large enough so to let in her mother with an easy squeeze.

    “My dear, why do you call to the hevens for a wish that will not have to be granted by the God of the sky?” Ania found herself looking at the oddest sight to see. Her mother Winda looked as though she was half way through the wall! Then she realized that she was actually stepping through a door that had appeared in the wall as she had been crying. “Mother where did the door come from? It was not there before, when I was looking at the wall, so why is it there now. Will it stay there for now on and never go away?” Ania was throwing all of these questions at her that Winda did not know how to answer them all. “Please my dear child, I cannot answer all of these questions when you are talking so fast to me. It is as if you haven’t seen me for years.”
    “Well, my first question was-were did the door come from?” repeated Ania.
    “Ahww, I see, we haven’t told you of the story of this room have we. Well it happened like this.

    Once a long time ago, a great kind king came to this realm from far away. This king’s name was Thenindor and he was searching for the perfect place to make the grandest stallion-breeding farm within the land! As he looked upon the land (that now is this castle), he knew that it would make a perfect stallion farm area, so he went to the nearest town to buy the land. Twenty miles later, Thenindor saw a small cottage that looked as though it was an inn. When he entered the inn, he went strait up to the desk and said very clearly, “I would like to find who owns the land twenty miles from you, I am looking to buy it.” As he said this, however, the room became very quiet.
    “So, you want to buy MY land do you?” Said a strange and hair rising voice. “Well I don’t think I wish to sell my property, unless you have something that will be worth my taste.” As the startled king turned, he found himself looking at the most hideous person he had ever seen in his life! This woman is who had let the castle be built, but in the making the young king had to give her some thing she wished in return or he would have to stay as a wanderer forever and never would be able to return home. “I request only one item that none has yet sought out and came back with it.” A small smile crossed her face, for she knew that he could never retrieve the item from were it lay. “This item, never and will never be brought from its place, though I will tell you what I wish. The item is grander than all the jewels, I want you to find me some thing from were you will only find in the far reaches of Time Mount, you will see a single star surrounded by many precious gems, take only the star and nothing else. This you must do to find out what I seek.”

    Therefore, as the women requested, the young king set onto the vast quest for Time Mountain. However, what he did not know was that the woman was actually a crude and power wanting witch! The star that she had sent the prince to get contain a single being who had one day vanquished an evil so great that in order to beat it, they had to entrap themselves and it within the star, called Inferterin. Inferterin itself was hard even to get to, because the warrior knew that down the road, so he hid it well and put a protection unknown to any living thing.

    Finally, that young prince came upon the mountain of time; this troubled the young prince, though he did not know why. As he stepped closer, he realized that a strange and unknown force seemed to be surrounding the mountain itself. As the young one had stepped upon the mountain, he felt as though he had stepped through a veil of light. Finding that he was unharmed, he returned to his quest up the mountainside to find the star of Inferterin. As he reached the top he came face to face to the most grandest of all castles and there in the tallest of all towers, he saw the most amazing thing in the world he saw a……

    “Hey do not you stop now mother! I love this story!”

    “Ok dear, then this is what happened next……”

    As he reached the top he came face to face to the most grandest of all castles and there in the tallest of all towers, he saw the most amazing thing in the world he saw a strange light that seemed to have something within it as if it was a lighted bubble. As the prince approached the castle doors, he saw that the doors had a strange tree upon them. This tree looked as though it was many thousands of years old, yet never seen by him! He entered and ascended the steps that followed to a grand room and there in the far corner of the room lay a young girl by the window, suddenly a voice arose from the room. The voice was a eerie, strange voice it said “Step closer and your fait will lead to death, run or stay and thy fait shall be the same!”
    The young prince knew not of which path to follow so taking a large breath he then started to step closer to the girl, but he found that the girl was no longer there! As he looked around to hopefully he heard the voice say again, “Step closer and your fait will lead to death, run or stay and thy fait shall be the same!” As the prince pondered on what this meant, he felt that something was closing in on him! Too afraid of knowing what was moving closer to him, he chose that he should take yet another step to where the girl was once sitting. With the next step the prince gained a little confidence so again he stepped yet this time it was larger and then it turned into a stride towards the window, but as he reached it he found that he now did not know what he was to do then. Should he stay, he would never find the star, yet if he left, he should never see the beautiful girl again! Then it hit him, that maybe the voice was the girl and if he asked her she might tell him where the star was!!……..

    Ok that is all I’m going to tell you from there you must find out for yourself in your own true journey though your life.

    Oh but the story made was just getting good, way can’t you tell me some more of the prince’s journey to find the stone of Time Mountain!!!

    No this is something you need to find out for yourself! There is nothing else I can tell you except that I will always be with you in your heart.

    With that Ania’s mother turned and left without another word to Ania. How she left Ania didn’t know at that time it seemed as if she just walked through the wall but later she finds that it was much more complicated than that. After a half-minute, Ania thought that she could follow her adopted mom through the wall, yet to her dismay she found that the wall was solid! “How am I to get through a solid wall I never was told how to do this kind of magic!” At this Ania sat upon her bed and as she sat there a young servant girl came into the room unnoticed to straiten up the room and tended to the fire. As Ania arose from her sleep, she noticed that the room held a strange essence within it’s walls. As she searched the room with her eyes she notice that the servant girl was watching her, surprised Ania jumped and covered herself with the covers, for she knew not of servants from living with a poor elf family. “Do not worry I am here to attend to you and the room, though dressing is for other servants, I shall call them for you.”
    “No I don’t want to be dressed by a stranger! I wish for my mother to dress me!!” Through the cries and pleas of Ania she noticed that the servant seemed to be worried about something that she didn’t know of. “Why don’t you do as I say, go and get my manatra!! I want my manatra!”
    “Why my small one, don’t you know who you are? Poor one I wish you knew who you are, for I cannot tell you. Oh I never told you my name, it’s Atol I’m the elf king’s highest room servant and his wives best dresser.” Looking at Atol, Ania found that Atol actually was a Fey or fairy as humans my call them, but for some odd reason though, Atol was the size as a human child. A curious thing for very rare many of the fey are able to grow to that size at all! “Why do you hold the appearance of a fey, yet you are just slightly smaller then me?” “Well I am part of the Farintra’s family, we were given the ability to grow to this height and I can also become my true size.” At that same moment, Atol suddenly seemed to disappeared from her sight, yet for some reason she felt her still within the room. “Were are you? I can’t see you, but I don’t know, I just know that you are here.” “I’m over here, down by the fireplace…..See.” as she reappeared. “How did you do that?” “That is quiet easy to do but you won’t master is for a long while.” “I’ll master how to shift my size?!” “Oh no, you’ll learn much more then that. You will learn how to change your complexion completely!” “Wow I didn’t even know that that was possible for me to do at all, am I dreaming? My parents never told me that I would be able to master this!…..Oh…I forgot, they aren’t my true mother and father are they, do you know who my parents are, and if you do then please tell me I hate not knowing who I am, and I most of all hate being trapped within my room like this.” “Well, yes I do know of your parents, but you are still to young to find out still, all I can tell you is that you are quite powerful. As far as being trapped within your room I also can’t help you to get out, but I could make your stay within the room more bearable then before, I’ll teach you some of the games that some of the children within this area play, that won’t interrupt the kind and queen and their children.” “Well what is it? Tell me Tell me right now.” “No I cannot, for I must do my other chores. Though I promise that I’ll teach you as soon as I am able to. Good by I have to go before the king gets angry with me for staying this long with you, you know I think he hates you though I don’t know why after all he is…Oh I have said way to much I must be going good by I’ll see you later.” “Wait please wait I want you to stay what were you going to tell me please I have to know.” Crying Ania watched as her maid once again shrunk out of her young sight, and left the room by some unknown way. As Ania looked around the room she notice that Atol left a strange and unusual looking object, that looked like a small flower yet it was metal and had a red jewel embedded within the center of the bud, noticing that it must be something that Atol might have left for her and didn’t want anyone else to know of it so she hid it away in the dresser in the top drawer were she could get to it easily. The more Ania looked around the more she found that was hidden from her. She found scrolls that seemed to tell a story, yet she couldn’t understand the language that were written upon these scrolls, yet she wondered why such scrolls were placed within her room instead of being placed in a scared and hidden library for the scrolls looked as though they contained wise tellings and knowledge of something that not many if any should know and hold. “Why are all of these things here as if they are here for a very powerful worrier or wise king for I am nether, it is true that I know a lot for my age of 3, but why are these scrolls here? Do they think I am The Chosen One that I have heard stories of? I don’t understand, why am I to be locked up like some sort of animal, am I to always to be caged like this. Why can’t I grow up like the other children and play games outside in the air. I have heard of the legends of the Chosen One, they say that she was to be born by the Miona herself though I don’t even know who the Miona is, they stories also say that the person would be more powerful then the gods and that one day she would become one of them, and not only that but that they would be the highest of high of the gods and goddesses, though there is a problem within the stories, no one knows or will tell if the Chosen One is a girl or boy.” This is what Ania was thinking as she paced the room she was placed in. It seemed to Ania that only the stories of The Chosen one that she recited in her mind allowed her to calm herself. After the sun was at it’s highest point Atol once again returned to Ania’s room this time bringing a very large meal this meal was called, in elfish, laniquin. “Hey how are you. I bet you are hungry would you like some laniquin we have the best assortments of fruit in from all of this planet.” As she said this she uncovered the most delicious looking fruits that she had ever seen some she new of that her family had on rare holiday occasions. Such as the opictuncua and fisntral, there were also five other fruits that Ania had never seen before. “What are these strange fruits? I don’t remember seeing these before.” “Well these purple fruits are called opictuncua, the green and blue ones are called fisntral, the white are incarnitions, the black haintras, as for the drown, that is called apituas and the two others are called imputaionicanas.” “Will you join me for laniquin? I hope that you would stay so I’m not lonely I am so use to eating with the family that raised me that if I was to eat alone I would become very sad and sometimes the ones who raised me said that I even got angry once when we didn’t eat together, they said I gave them a lot of trouble, though I don’t remember anything at all I only remember that I was angry and then I woke up the next day I guess I went to bed angry…. What is wrong with you?” Atol at that time suddenly seemed to fear Ania and look at her as if she was a dangerous sorserer that at any moment would attack anyone within her range. “Oh I….I’m sorry I hope that I’m not upsetting you in any way…..I’ll….I’ll sit with you if that is what you want…I’m sorry if I made you angry in any way.” “You didn’t upset me why do you think that I was upset? Why do you seem afraid of me? I wouldn’t hurt you I wouldn’t hurt anyone I’m just Ania I’m not powerful nor am I a someone, I wish to know who my real parents are and I want to know where I am, am I at a prison for I am treated as a caged animal? I just don’t understand I don’t understand anything. Why AM I Treated This Way!” At that moment again Ania’s left hand glowed were the birthmark was and she then went into another trance, but this time her spirit separated from her body and this time she was able to watch what she does in that state, as she watched Ania saw that she herself became a distructive monster that not even she wished to she, she watched as she burned all of the wonderous things in the room, and suspended Atol in the air as if she was but a feather. It saddened her to find that she had dealt such a powerful and dangerous. When she returned to her body, she wasn’t amazed to find Atol had left out of fear that Ania would kill her along with the other things within Ania’s room. Sadly Ania ate alone ashamed of what she had done, now she understood why Atol and others seemed to be afraid of her all the time and why children were afraid to come near her when she wanted to play with them for fear that they might upset her and she would hurt them somehow. She didn’t like the fact that she had found that she was nothing more then a destructive person and whenever she gets angry she has the ability to kill anyone who gets in her way. “No wonder I was put here I’m a danger to all living things, and that is probably why I was taken from my parents.” Tears flowed down Ania’s face as she thought over what she has and could have done for all those years before and the sadness that it might have been her fault that she couldn’t live with her mother and father, and it was also probably her fault that she was placed within this building in hopes that she might that not hurt anyone incase she got angry, after a long and sad laniquin alone Ania then went to the window within her room with no desire to see or be seen by anyone, to her amassment when she looked outside, she found that it wasn’t even a home for lost children or a prison building to her surprise she was in a middle tower of the elves castle home! “I can’t believe it!! I was inside of one of the most grandest and powerful of all the castles in our land and I didn’t even know it! Why didn’t anyone tell me?……Why am I inside of the castle anyway? I would very much like to have that question answered.” “That is good for I am here to assist you. Now that you know of how powerful you are I think it is time you new me.” The person that held that voice was an elderly man who held a completion of all knowledge, his clothes were that of a wise man with the soft cloth of a pine trees bark and needles thinly cut so it looks and acts just as fine silk, upon the cloth was once again the tree that was placed on her hand, and carved into everything within her tower room. His hair a usual grey color for the main part, but Ania noticed that it was slightly outlined with a reddish-orange by the look of it his wrinkles he seemed to be more then 500,000,000,000 years old. “Who are you? Why am I here? Am I here for a reason? If so what is my reason of being here? Will I…” “Woe there now calm down I can answer all of your questions but you have to ask me one at a time.” “OK well first of all Do you know why I am here? I have to know.” “Well you were put here for my sake for I knew of you and your power ever since you were born as for your question on who I am I am called Anoical a very wise and knowledgeable person.” “OK if you knew of me ever since I was born then why didn’t you come and get me when I was adopted by another family unless you are my father. Are you my father?” “Ah I see, no I am not your father but to answer your other question I didn’t come to get you because I didn’t know were you were I have been searching for you ever since I herd you were born.” “What do you mean by not being able to find me, why do you want to find me?” At this Ania started to seem to fear Anoical and got herself ready for any attack that he might try on her even though she didn’t even know anything to fight back with. “Ah you must not worry, I am a friend I was told before you were born I was told by your parents that I was to raise you for quiet some time until you would be able to return back to your parents. I am here now to take you with me to my home where I can raise and train you in mastering your great power.” “So am I to go and live with you I’m afraid of leaving another home.” She looked away, trying to hide her tears and fear away from the world. “I am ready to go with you and begin my training in controlling and mastering my powers.” “Good then follow me we have to go though a secret passage because there are people who are waiting for you to come out just so they can take control over you and swipe you away.” At that the two went out a staircase that was right under the rug, the stairs led to an underground water tunnel were a boat was waiting there Ania and Anoicala sailed right to the bottom of a very high mountain there Ania and Anoicala were able to as and the mountain by way of carriage at the top of the mountain Ania laid eyes on her new home a very tall castle, though the castle seemed to hold a strange eeriness around it as though it was sad or depressed. “Why does his hoe seem as though it is in great pain, I don’t understand who would want me? Why am I so important? Am I more powerful then I thought I was.” “Why is this castle seem so sad and lonely, why do you live in such a solemn place, are you sad about something? Did you lose someone, I heard that people get very upset about things like that? Why do people get upset about things like that?” “Will you please calm down, I first step to mastering your own powers is to learn control over yourself and your powers, without control you will fall and with it you will have greater power. Humbling yourself is also a way that you can help then I would be able to teach you some thing in your training.” “Oh I’m sorry for bothering you I’ll silence myself.” And Ania turned away tears filling her face. Inside Ania found that castle was filled with black, white, and red color draping, as if a symbol of something unknown. Anoical then told a servant to show her to her room in the southern town at the top, as she turned to go, she suddenly felt lightheaded and then she saw the world spinning, then everything went black.
    Awaking suddenly within a bed she didn’t remember even getting into and there standing over her was Anoical with a look of worry over his face. “What happened, were am I, how did I get here….Uh I fill strange, as if I was woozy or that something was bothering my insides.” “Don’t worry I think it was because you passed out last night. You got sick and I guess you hated moving some much and the way you got angry last night made your energy leave you.” “I…I don’t understand… why would I be so woozy from this I don’t understand, I know that I felt weak, but I why would I be so sick all of the sudden hours later instead of just then? I guess I’m to young to know these things right, that is what I am always told.” “Well since you have already guessed what I was going to say, so I think I should just leave you in your new room, I’m sorry it’s not as nice as the elves castle room, but I hope you will feel comfortable inside of it.” At that Anoical turned and left through a metal door. Looking around Ania found that the room was the most beautiful room that she had ever seen. Instead of curtains the room had drapes, the bed had a pink cover witched looked as if it was made out of flowers. On the walls were paintings of many castles, and exotic gardens with plants that Ania never seen before. As for the furnisher there was a dresser in the right-hand corner and a bench was set by the window, the room looked like it was waiting for her to occupy it all along. Ania Then returned to the bed and from there fell into a deep sleep. I the middle of the night, Ania had a dream that she was in a tunnel, and the end was a tree and the other end stood a person whom she could not tell of his face. At that she awoke, seeing that there was no one in the room, she again fell asleep. The next morning Ania was awakened by Anoical who told her that breakfast would be waiting in the dinning room on the second floor of the main part of the castle. As he led her there, Ania noticed very few servants where in sight, and as she noticed that what should have being a garden seemed to be unintended to for a matter of years. “Why do the gardens look so wild? Don’t people work in them?” “No one works in the gardens any more, my best gardener died five years ago and I haven’t had a chance to look for a new one.” replied Anoical “Ah here we are my main dinning room.” as two servants opened two large metal doors, the place was huge or so it looked to Ania the room was half the size of a football field and in the center was the biggest table she had ever seen! By the looks of it could hold up to two-hundred people. On the walls where banners that held a black bird on the top of a tree that was also black, the surrounding color of the banner was read. “Wow!” exclaimed Ania “Is this where you also have grand feasts? I have always dreamed of being at a feast before.” “Well then I’ll arrange a feast in your honor. How is that I’ll have it done by the next full moon.” “That would be wonderful!” “Now you must know I don’t have as many friends as I use to most have died off, but I can promise you a good size amount of friends come over and plenty of food to fill them all.” “Thanks!!” The meal was the best that Ania could had ever had, their was bread, cheese, various fruits, and a delicious tasting stew. “Thanks again what was the stew you gave me it was delicious I have never tasted any kind of fruit like that before.” “Ah but it wasn’t fruit within the stew, it was bird meat.” “What I have never had meat before the elves never eat meat! But why do I like it so much.” This was to much for Ania she then turned away from the only man that seemed to care for her. “No you don’t understand I didn’t know that you didn’t eat meat, but you must know you aren’t full human you are other things as well, so I see no reason that you must fear by eating meat.” “What do you mean of course I’m full elf! Why else would I be anything else? What am I all I know is that I’m a monster within a kind persons body I hate myself.” her eyes where filled with so many tears that Ania could barely see anything at all. “No child you aren’t a monster and it wasn’t your felt of what had happened it was the others fault. You shouldn’t blame yourself for what has happened it is their fault that you feel this way here take this my caretaker gave this to me when I was your age now I wish you to have it.” Holding out a white cloth that held the same bird upon it. “Thanks I wish I could get them back, but I know that that is wrong to think that. I just feel so alone now like I just don’t belong anywhere I have always felt that, but knowing it for sure just makes it worse then before.” She then turned and flead the room and just kept running right up to her room, while crying and thinking to herself that she would never belonged anywhere and no matter how many people there might be there that love her she would never belong with them. “Why…Why must I feel this way? I hate it there are people who show me love, but I feel so lonely. I have to leave I have to live on my own, so no one will have to worry over me.” Tears flowed down her face as she started to pack.