• Shin woke up the next morning with a strange person knocking at her front door, Shin answered

    “Hello, is the man or woman of the household in?” asked the hooded figure, Shin stuttered as she tried to see into the cloak

    “Uhm…no, they are hardly home…they work so much…” Shin replied in a sad tone

    “Oh well that’s too bad” replied the figure with a southern accent that sounded so fermiliar to Shin

    “Donna?” Shin asked as Donna pulled off the disguise

    “Did I fool ya?!” Donna asked excitedly, Shin shook her head from side to side as she pulled her glasses out of her pocket and put them on to get a better look at Donna

    “Hey Darlin’ what’s say you and I do a little shoppin’? I wanna get something’ that’ll make yer principle hotter then bacon sizzlin’ in a fryin’ pan!” Donna exclaimed as she pointed a long soft finger at Shin, Shin agreed to go with her and they headed to the mall.

    As they walked around the mall Donna dragged Shin into store after store, finally after what seemed like 100 stores and fifty bags later, Shin and Donna st in the food court eating their ramen

    “SHIN!” Leiko exclaimed as she and Kinoko came walking up

    “How are you?” Shin asked, Leiko and Kinoko smiled

    “we’re good, Kouji’s birthday is coming up and we’re here getting him a present…you should come, I think he likes you” Leiko smirked as she elbowed Shin in the side, Shin flushed a bright red color and pushed her glasses higher on the bridge of her nose

    “haha, well we’ll see you later Shin!” Kinoko and Leiko called as they headed off towards another store.

    Donna immediately scolded Shin

    “You shouldn’t hang out with them…they are a horrible bunch of kids…I’ve seen it before, they drag in good girls like yourself and then they embarrass her in front of the whole school!” Donna forced through her clenched teeth, Shin tilted her head and looked at her

    “But they seem like very good people…and where did your accent go?” Shin asked as she took a sip of her soft drink and stared at Donna

    “I don’t know what yer talkin’ ‘bout…but they got’s a secret that they’r hidin’ I can feel it…” Donna went on as they finished their food.

    “who was that woman with Shin?” Leiko asked as they walked down the mall hallway looking for something that they thought Kouji would like

    “We could probably just get him food and he’d go ape Shi…” Kinoko was cut off by Leiko again

    “Are you even listening to me?!” Leiko exclaimed as they found a store that sold many obscene things

    “Who are we talking about?” Kinoko asked as she looked around a bunch of the joke stuff

    “uhm…I don’t know…the odd woman that was sitting with Shin?!” Leiko exclaimed as she slammed her hand down on one of the empty shelves galring at Kinoko who was still ignoring her looking at a whoopie cushion that she thought Kouji would love

    “Maybe I shouldn’t get him something like this, he would only use it to disrupt class…” Kinoko sighed as she turned down another aisle, Leiko stood dumbfounded at Kinoko’s determination to find something for Kouji, Leiko smiled slyly as she rounded the corner innocently

    “If I didn’t know any better…I would say that you’ve developed a crush on Kouji!” Leiko taunted, Kinoko turned on Leiko and grabbed her by the front of her shirt

    “Why would I fall for someone so stupid that would eat his own foot if it was covered in soy sauce!” Kinoko said angrily

    “I wouldn’t eat my own foot…well…maybe with ketchup, but not otherwise!” Kouji stated with a finger pointed towards the ceilign as he walked past them over to look at the posters at the end of the aisle that they currently resided in, Kinoko and Leiko stared after him wide eyed

    “Do you think he heard me?” Kinoko asked frantically, Leiko laughed as she started walking out of the store.

    Suichi and Kiera were walking down the street heading for school, the fashion show was going to be held in another hour

    “Do you think that everyone will show up?” Suichi asked as they turned down their usual morning route to school

    “I’m sure they will, are you nervous?” Kiera asked as she panted and trot next to him

    “No….well, maybe…ok…yea” Suichi said as he looked into the distance and saw Shin and a large woman walking towards him

    “Hey Shin” Suichi waved as he flashed a smile at her, Shin just gave him a dirty look and the both of them walked past without a word, as the two of them walked away the large woman turned around and flashed an evil smile at a dumbfounded Suichi.

    “What’s her problem?!” Suichi asked as he looked down at a growling Kiera who had her teeth bared and ready for battle

    “I felt a surge of evil come from those two…I don’t think that Shin is safe with that woman…” Kiera exclaimed as she continued to growl after them.

    Donna entered her house laughing wildly to herself

    “Things going well?” Hiro asked as he sat on her couch

    “this is like taking a sugar cube from a dyin’ horse In the stables…” Donna showed him a large toothy evil smile as she sat in one of the comfy chairs and crossed her legs that looked like they could reach all the way to the wall which was ten feet away from her chair

    “Good…If that girl gets her Spirit Guide and joins them…their power will double…I need you to get her to join our side…” Hiro smiled widely, but failed because of his lack of teeth

    “Honey, this is goin’ so well…the Dark master will wanna shower me with some shiny smackeroos and double my pay! And then I can recommend a nice dentist for ya Greed dear…” Donna laughed at her own joke as Pookie, her little ratty dog came walking up to her with his head stuck up in the air

    “Aww…Pookie, thangs are a lookin’ up…” Donna exclaimed as she lifted the small dog into the air, Hiro had gotten up and vanished in a mass of dark energy

    “Show off…” Donna smirked as she petted her ugly dog.

    “Leiko…have you seen Shin…something Is wrong, she was really mean to me earlier” Suichi asked quietly in the foyer of the school auditorium where the fashion show was being held, Leiko shook her head and turned to Kinoko next to her who followed suit

    “The last time we saw her was at the mall earlier today…and she was with some odd woman…” Leiko said putting a hand up to her chin thinking really hard,

    “was she a really big glamazon woman who looked like a man in a dress?” Suichi asked and Kinoko tilted her head to the side and then nodded

    “Actually yea…now that I think about it…that’s EXACTLY what I thought when I saw him, I mean her…” Kinoko and Leiko giggled as Haku appeared and glared at Leiko and Suichi laughing together

    “Oh SUICHI!” Haku called, he walked up and got in-between the two of them vigorously bumping Leiko out of the way

    “HEY…” Leiko yelled as she reached for Haku, but failed because of Kinoko dragging her off towards their seats inside

    “Yes Haku…” Suichi replied sarcastically

    “It’s time for you to get into your outfit…” Haku swooned as he lightly tapped Suichi on the chest

    “Fine…just don’t touch me” Suichi retorted angrily as he turned on his heel and walked off

    “that’s fine…the view is better from back here anyways” Haku smirked as he watched Suichi’s backside as it swayed, walking away from him

    “Ooh…Tonight is going to be Glitterific…” Haku squealed and ran off after Suichi


    “NO! You’ve done that about twenty times now…I know what your actually doing!” Suichi yelled back as they both disappeared backstage.