• "He breathed hardly" as he slowed to a stop around a corner.
    He glanced back to see if they were still behind him.
    No. He had lost them. For the time at hand. He was scared almost frightened.
    For a moment he forgot who he was. He realized his name Johnny no longer existed. He was now a dead man. He said that over and over in his head until he caught himself saying it out loud. He was scared almost to the break of tears and it took a lot to make Johnny cry. He ran another block and another. He hopped a fence and made it all but the landing he stumbled thats all they needed. With in matter of seconds he was running as fast as he could. They started to gain on him. Oh he was scared the switch blade moved in his pocket as he ran. It called to him as if it were trying to say "take me out open me use me pierce them." At the moment that sounded good but there were just to many he could hold his own against one or two but four was asken for it. As he ran he didn't notice the black mustang it drove by as two more big buff soc or sosha's hopped out. But as i said he didn't notice until it was to late. He ran straight into the middle one who happened to be the bulkiest. He hit the ground out cold.
    To find out what happens next what for the second part coming 12/3/08.
    Do you dare to read more?