• I'll handle it." Said a voice, Abby turned her head and saw a girl floating in the sky of her room. Blond hair,all over her shoulders with her ragged up,white dirty dress and her red cherry eyes. "Hello, I'm Princess Raya of Planet Zork and I'll be welcomed to help with your trouble's.But you can call me Raya." She smiled cheerfully. Abby was stunted.She had never seen such a ghost in her life. Abby said"Oh.........Uh.. so can you help me with these?" She held her claws in the air for Raya to see."Sure.Just clench your fist then it will go away."It did."Now hold my hand" She gave Abby a hand then she said" Close your eyes" They both did and opened them. Abby was shocked. They came to a rocky,bright and dark place. Everywhere around them were small amounts of rocks and also huge black diamonds,sparkle on the hard,cold ground.."This is Markmen's sercet liar." She walked to a circle shaped spot. Who's Markmen? Abby thought. Movement started to come. Abby and Raya looked up and saw him. He has messy,spiky dark blue and blackish hair,a picky razor sharp nose,wearing a blue and black jumpsuit with zippers all over it , goth shoes and those hazel pink eyes. "How dare you!!"He yelled
    his squeaky voice. " Abby! Do something!" Raya rolled up in a ball like a coward. "All right!"Abby cried then she felt this churning feel in her stomach. Oh no not again! Wait this could work! she said in her head. Abby transform quickly to a cat beast and ran to mice voice fool.She bit through his neck,tearing only a little bit of flesh then she let go and let out an loud roar. She fell down on her knees then stomach and closed her eyes,gently. "Abby! Wake up!! I'm gonna make sure you're okay!" "HAHAHAHAHAHA..........." The voices fainted...