• I rip my eyes open
    No the urge rips them open

    I cant feel anything
    But that urge!

    I here people crying above me
    Are they mourning?
    Are they mourning over me?
    It doesn't matter
    All that matters is the urge.

    Its what drives me
    Its my single thought
    Its what awoken me from death

    There's this box caging us
    but not for long
    In ten seconds of non stop mauling
    It splinters open splintering our hands

    Then dirt floods in.
    Tch, what an annoyance!
    I give a long satisfying scream
    Then I dig our way up

    I suppose someone heard me
    Because there were screams of
    "He's alive!! We MUST dig him up!!!"

    Around five minutes of digging
    Someone grabs my hand,
    I believe it belonged to a lady judging by the feel of it.
    She pulls me up and we see her face.

    I feel lust
    But my urge takes over again.

    I tackle her and sink my teeth into her neck
    Before she even had a chance to scream.

    I gouge on her and swallow her wonderful flesh
    As dumb stricken bystanders run away.

    I move onto her face and glance at her eyes,
    her tears of agony magnify the glare of terrifying lust.

    I feast upon her mouth ripping out her tongue
    and eating her cheeks from their insides.

    The blood, the blood
    Oh her BLOOD
    it warms my dead body!

    After I'm done with her mouth
    I move down to her breast.

    Nothing-- Nothing I tell you
    can stop my jaws
    especially her flimsy bra

    As I gouge on this lovely delecasy,
    My urge becomes my lust,
    My lust becomes my urge,
    then BANG!!!
    a lead ball embeds itself into my head.

    They torch my body and move hers into the shed.
    But the following night,
    She awakens with that same unbearable