• It was the dead of night and not a single star seeped through the eternal sky. Darkness swallowed everything from the ragged, broke-down houses to the black cats that roam the dark streets. The whole town appeared to be woven up from the shadows of agony and pain. The full moon up above looked bloodshot and seemed to have an abnormal glow to it. The wind howled throughout the restless town and blood-filled shrieks, loud with horror, echoed within the boundless walls of the menacing house of horrors also know as the Devil’s town. Snakes lie on every corner waiting for the right moment to strike at its prey. Large cobwebs blanket the town like a quilt wrapped around a small child on a cold, winter night. Skulls line up among each other upon the dark, dusky street. If that wasn’t enough, the entire area also reeked of death and blood like a battlefield after a long and sorrowful war.
    These horrible conditions made existing here unbearable. Nevertheless, a girl, roughly around 13-years-old, seemed not to mind the horror fest and lived comfortably there with her pet wolf, Shadow, who she had rescued when he was just a puppy. There had always been a handful of tales about the place but Roxanne was not a superstitious person nor was she that gullible. Roxanne never had worried herself over such illogical legends as petty and insignificant as the abominable snowman, but little did she know that one of them were true. A that legend would come true on the night before Halloween.
    It was the day before Halloween and rumors about ghosts that haunt Devil town grew like wildfire and, of course, Roxanne didn’t think that any of them were true. Roxanne woke up to her wolf growling at the crows that were fighting each other over a few bread crumbs in the backyard of the ghostly house. The day went on as normal; she ate a fraction of the food she stolen from a few travelers, bathed herself in the nearby river, washed her clothes, played with Shadow, and hunt for food. Nightfall was coming down quick, so Roxanne headed back to her shelter. When she got back, the entire town was covered with a heavy fog which blurred out everything. On the door of her house was a blood-stained note. She snatched the letter off the door and carefully read it. It said:
    Get Out! Get out of my house! Get out of my town! GET OUT!!
    She let out a shriek so shrill and horrifying that the neighboring town even jumped. She ran into the house shaking with fear and murmuring “No, no, please no! It’s all just a dream! It’s all just a dream!” Then the back door burst open, revealing a terrifying sight. Rain began to pour and loud crashes of thunder and lightning rang in the haunting night. The man’s face was dark and scarred. The grim face of the man made Roxanne flinch with horror. Shadow jumped at the ghastly figure gnawing and clawing, but Shadow was thrown aside in a blink of an eye. Roxanne managed to utter out, “Who are you?” There was no hiding the fear in her voice. The man just grinned and replied, “I am your death.” The man pulled out the scythe that he had been hiding behind the wrecked grey door. A single moonlight beamed on the blade of the scythe, making it glimmer in the night. A chill came over Roxanne as she backed up into a corner of the freezing room while keeping an eye on the stranger and another eye on Shadow, who was getting up from the hard blow.
    The atmosphere was tense and stiff. Not a sound was to be heard outside in the murky night, only a couple of bats stretching their wings in prepare for bug hunting. The sudden thunderstorm had stopped and, as if by magic, the night was still. Shadow stood there for a moment or two, and then pounced at the man again. He was kicked onto the rough floor once again, but this time he just stayed there motionless. A tear ran down Roxanne’s face when she saw her companion lying dead on the ground. She roughly wiped the tear off her pale face with her sleeve and quickly tried to think of a way out. She grabbed a candle from the table, quickly waved it back and forth, and threw it at the man. She waited till the candle had reached the destination and then made a run for it. She pushed her way past the man, who was now being devoured by the fire, and kept running. She hadn’t looked back until her feet began to tire. She stopped at the nearby town. Exhausted, she sat down and began to cry. Years has passed since that night, but the fear and pain still linger inside her heart. Memories of that night still haunt her dreams, but at least it was all over.