• "Dear Diary,
    I seem again today the everyone ignores me. I'm alone in this big world. Like at school, I walk in the middle of the hall and nobody notices me. Its been like that scene well.... third grade.
    I wish I could become a somebody instead of a nobody
    ." Nikkie(my nickname) wrote in her diary one Sunday night before bed. She took a sigh of disappointment, turned off the lights, crawled into her bed, and slowly went to sleep. The next morning she awoke with no emotions, got dressed, and went to school.
    As she arrived she felt like she was being watch. "Who's there" she said softly. There was no answer. When she got to her locker there was a note stuck to it. It said:
    "I've admired you from afar, my love. And now its time to revel my true identity. Meet me in the park, today at 4:30pm, my love,
    Signed, Your anonymous admirer