• Chapt 3

    as they blazed a path through the air and had now caught up with one another Jennifer looked over at captain kick a** and then all around her...this would b the 1st time she really got to fly around properly and for a good distance....she had had training sessions with "the teacher" but this was different. The teacher was a program set up by "Medulla"...it was like a virtual reality device that literally plugged into your brain. It simulates the fully matured power of those whose use it and has a training program which teaches in 4 dimensional time...so a lesson that would take 4hrs real time would be 10hrs simulated time. It was the only way of training those who showed signs of extraordinary powers, the good and the bad were always in combat so no 1 had time to teach anymore.
    The wind in her hair and a smile across her lips, she thought of what had just happened between Sam n her...she had wanted to be closer than friends for so long and now they had had that amazing kiss...she would have floated higher in the air with him and held on to him tighter but as usual life got in the way...speaking of which, she thought, she's in the air with captain kick a**, one of the strongest heroes she had ever known and she really should focus on what’s about to happen...she flew closer to him as he was ahead talking to his wrist it seemed.
    "I got her...she's right behind me and we'll b there in about 60 seconds”. He turned to look at her smiled then said to his wrist again "just remember I got her to there" and as she finally caught up top his speed, he turned to her and said "I hope your ready for this?"
    "So do I...but what exactly is going on?" she said looking as grown up and serious as possible "because it looks like were headed towards the cities end zone"
    "We are...and I’m thankful you paid attention in your training sessions"
    "Well we’re born to do this aren’t we? So the sooner we all learn to take responsibility the better...." Jennifer said with a concentrated look about her "ok...now tell me what exactly u had in mind when you came to get Me." she said getting in character. And he slowly turned to look at her with a slight smile of an adult who sees a child acting grown up. She made an uncomfortable fake cough and added "please...sir"
    He smiled once more and through the slits of his mask looked at her deeply and said "Its a therlocken brawler beast, we’ve only had one get to earth before and it took 17 supers to match it...the therlocken want earth and will stop at nothing to get it. We need to teleport it out of here and stop it from reaching the inner city. but The gateman has bin mortally wounded and he was the only one on our team that could teleport others." he slowed down in the air till they both slowed to a hover "its dangerous work but you were the only registered super in the vicinity who could pull this off, all you have to do is wait in the outskirts of the battle for when its distracted then warp it and as many of us as far away as u can."
    "Urm...ok...iv.." as she spoke he picked up speed again and all she could do was follow....

    Back at the ware house, Lisa n Sam were sitting down, backs against the raised ledge. "You think I could have helped if I went. I mean... you've seen what I can do in the simulator, rite?...I ******** kick a**... rite?...rite?...Sam...Am I rite?...Sam!!!!" she said punching him on his shoulder, with quite a warm fist I might add.
    "Hey!...that hurt u no?"
    "Duh...what u think, it was suppose 2 tickle? What’s wrong with you? I’m talking and your jus staring in2space" Lisa added flexing her now flaming knuckles
    "what?...oh... sorry...its just that Jen n I finally kiss, I finally get my powers and then captain frickin underpants comes and whisks here away before we can even talk...I just thought things were going to get better... and well..." said Sam with a sigh and he slumped, lolling his head from the sky to the ground.
    "Sorry dude, sometimes I just get carried away in my own lil world. At least you've got your powers now...maybe we can even form a team or something. Scots bin doing the whole played out vigilante thing and I guess the four of us not jus hang out at "Java Jarvis" alone...but kick baddie booty as well."
    "Urm aint he a normal?"
    "Yeah but he's like inspector fricking gadget with that satchel of his, said he created negative space in it...what ever the hell that is"
    "but having a bag that holds lots a stuff cant be enough 2 fight the super (n regular class) shmucks we have roaming the city. He could get the floor wiped with his face." Sam said with more alarm than indented "I mean...that’s y we have all these damn laws n what not"
    "I no" countered Lisa "but he spent 3 months constantly on my V.R. machine with some edited ROMs he made him self...told me 2 keep it all hush n I did cause at the time I thought he just wanted time to be with me but we ended up running Sims together quite often."
    "3months! That’s ages in 4d"
    "I no, the 1st time I went in with him he just used general martial arts 2 defeat thugs n hoodlums but by the 3rd month he was using all sorts of gadgets to fight villains like hack-saw n the mushi-mushi gang. Its so sexy how he looks in there" said Lisa with a swoon
    Sam laughed then looked from the ground were he was fiddling with some stones "your kind of cool u no?"
    "Once again my "duh!" card has to be played...but thanks man...lets get outa here. I don’t think they’ll b back any time soon."
    "Yeah...I guess your rite...I jus wish I could have gone with her" Sam said standing up. As he was pulling Lisa up she said "Sam...She’s with the crew of outstanding good guys...they won’t let any thing bad happen to a rookie they pulled in the field...she’ll b fine"
    "I sure hope so or God help who ever hurt her" Sam said looking up at the place where they took off.

    Captain kick-a** and Jennifer Mileson had been flying for about 5mins when they arrived over the scene of the battle, which was being waged on the ground below them... just as Jen saw the creature, a huge red behemoth of a thing, shiny blue pick up truck was hurled in her direction. Captain kick-a** flew directly in front of her and braced himself for the impact, but it never hit him. There was a transparent sheet of static in front of him roughly the same size as the car and then it disappeared. He turned round to look at her and she had a smile on her face, she had zipped up her hoody to her nose and put on the hood, thought some stubborn strands of the brunette hair still found it way out. With her hands close to her body she merely pointed up and as he looked up he saw the pickup truck several miles above them and gaining speed as it was dropping back to wards them. She said"...for velocity" then looking up another sheet of transparent static appeared a shot distance above than and as the pickup dropped into it she pointed at the brawler beast and as the hero "knights arrow" dodged a swipe from the monsters fourth and lower arm a static portal opened and the pickup flew out of it and into the beasts stomach, exploding and sending it stumbling a few feet backward.
    Captain kick-a** nodded and said "keep a safe distance and keep that up" then he turned and flew at full speed at the therlocken brawler with reckless abandon. As he closed in on the beast it swung a huge upper fist, which was never going to hit him as he was at least 30ft from it, but a blue flame like replica of the arm flew out of its fist and towards him. At the last minute he pulled himself sideways out of its trailing red flames and fists 1st into one of its giant legs.
    The impact was loud and must have been very painful for the beast because it let out a deafening howl and seemed to get physically bigger as it got angrier
    "Good lord....what am I doing here" Jennifer whispered to her self as she watched from the side of a tall building close to the battle. "This sure aint like the simulator".