• "Please lord Henery i need to eat food i cant walk anymore Please your highness." John Seltizer cried. "NEVER". King Henery ballowed. "You need to work and if you ask me for food one more time your head is going to be pualverized into and grinder understand wit" stressed . {Lord Henery the 8th wacked John's eyes so hard they almost sqirted a fountain of blood from his pupils}
    "AAAAA". Poor John Seltizer screamed. "NOW GO WORK". Harshly said Lord Henery. {John Seltizer almost was about ready to pick up a sword and stab that revolting piece of silk} "Im sick and tired of being a stupid slave i miss my family and i havent eaten for 3 weeks". Sqealed John Seltizer. {As John Seltizer was working on the huge statue of lord Henry he was looking at his wife and kids walking down the street he tried not to but ended up crying blood from Henerys sword point in his eye.The guards saw him whining and complaining}. {They took his body and dragged to the King.}
    "And what did this puny cod do now". Lord Henery said. {The Guard whisperd in the kings ear} "WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" scream {As soon as John Seltizer heard King Henery scream.He bursted out of the guards hands and ran as fast as he could} "These Guards think they can catch me".John Seltizer said while breathing hard. {John Seltizer Ran ALL over the castle ALL Over the village ALL over the forest. Until a peasent came there and jabbed him with the sword he didnt die but fell unconcious. He woke up at a castle on ropes and down as he looked was molten lava scorching hotter than the sun. Again he Escaped but when he had the chance to live...The sword hilt in his eye went all the down his head and cut his brain tissue} "GAHHHHHH" gonk poor John Seltizer said. {King Henery was furious so much he chopped his head off and dropped in a the lava. Some say he haunts people who lives on road 13 in New york.Some say he never died or was a slave and lived happily in his home. Only people foolish would go live on road 13 but its your choice. Remember never belive Ghosts.