• Long ago Poseidon (son of Hydrus god of water), and Levitation (son of Zeus the god of thunder) used to have battles. The winner would win Zeus legendary thunder blades. One day Hydrus and Zeus got into a scuffle and, they both killed each other.
    Poseidon and Levitation saw this battle and instantly wanted to know who won, the deal was on the Day of the Warrior (present day Friday for America) they would fight until someone won. They got there father's legendary weapons (poseiden - tidal staff and leviation - double lightning blades) and trained.
    On the day of the warrior they met each other in the Elemental Dome, bowed down to each other and touched weapons. The fierce battle went on for 14 hours until each were very tired. They were in a sudden death situation. They ran back and ran to each other and ran aside. A couple minutes pass and Poseidon fell with a death scream that could shatter anyones ears. Poseidon was on the ground lifeless. Leviation was triumphant, but his emotions said different. Leviation was reduces to tears. He saw his brother on the ground lifeless, but in favor of his brother, uncle and father he swore never to put down his father’s lightning blades ever again.