• Sitting alone in his room, in his personal darkness, he sulks. There's nothing more pitiful to see than a depressed Vampire. Ian Dosu used to be a very happy... person? He did seem human enough to be called one so many years ago.
    Ian finally stands and examines a note that was shoved under his door. He knew the hand writing. The owner of that handwriting was a girl that had tried to cheer him up for a long time.
    She finally gotten to the point where talking is no use, he thought, well, at least it's quieter this way.
    He ignores the letter and opens the old window. It creeked and moaned as the old window slowly swung open. He stares up at the full moon. A lot of the vampires in his clan hunted the rival werewolf clan on nights like this. But not Ian. Ian loved full moons, sure they weren't the best nights for a vampire, but for Ian, they were perfect.
    Unlike most Werewolves he had encountered in his vampire life, there was only one that never harmed him in any way. Anna.
    The thought of her name made him cringe and he turned away from the full moon and stared at the shadow he made. Another shadow stood beside his.
    "Anna?" He thought outloud. The shadow nodded and hugged his. He felt the warmth on his icy skin and barely moved to touch the warmth... and it disappeared. The warmth was gone, disappearing with the full moon as it hid behind the clouds. Ian clenched his fists and chewed on his lips to keep from screaming. This wasn't the first time something of Anna came to visit him.

    "Why must you haunt me!?" He finally screams at the bare ceiling. "Why are you doing this to me Anna?!" Ian fell to his knees, his fingers ready to rip out his hair, he cries.

    For years he tried forgetting. But the more he tried, the harder it got, the more he remembered. Remembering the day they met, the glance that sparked the strong bond between them, the moments they shared... the day she was killed.
    Killed in a battle Ian begged her not to fight in. She insisted, telling him she was stronger than she looked and that they fought as a team. Ian could have staid behind with her, it would have saved them the insanity of loosing the other... but he had faith in not only her strength, but also in his own to protect her. Obviously it wasn't enough.

    "Six years and it still feels like it was only ten minutes ago." He whispered his cries. His arms began to feel heavy, remembering how they felt when Ian held Anna's dying body in them. "STOP IT!" He screams, jerking his arms as if tossing the unseen body away from him.
    "Leave me alone! Please! Anna you know how much I blame myself for what happened! Please.... just let me be." He fell into a corner and curled up, crying even harder.

    Three gentle knocks and his bedroom door opened.
    "Get out."
    "I see you haven't read my note."
    "I said leave!" Ian threatened, showing off fangs.
    "I see the bluff, you wouldn't hurt me... would you?" The girl sits down beside him.
    "Why are you so determined?" Ian sighed, knowing he couldn't win.
    "You know my gift..."
    "I couldn't care less about your gift..."
    "I saw Anna."
    "WHAT!?" This got Ian's full attention.
    "She knows you've been blaming yourself. She told me to tell you.... Aw just read the blasted note... she made me write it." The girl teased as she reeeeeeeeached for the note, and handed it to Ian.

    Ian, my dearest,
    I wish you would move on. Six years and it still has this great affect on you? I understand it hurts, but please... for me. Move on. It wasn't your fault that day. I was careless...

    Ian stopped reading. He didn't want to read anymore. He handed the note back to the girl.
    "Well?" She asked.
    "She wants me to move on... but she's constantly in my head..."
    "It's because you haven't fed in a while..."
    "I know... but it's not JUST that Sarah!"
    "Okay okay. Don't need to yell." Sarah said rubbing her sore ear as she stood up. "Are you going to do what she says?"
    "I don't know if I can." Ian mumbles.
    "At least try?" Sarah asks with a smile of hope and offered her hand to the mourning vampire. Ian stared at her with total shock. "........ what? Is something on me?" How could I have been so blind? He thought, still staring.
    "WHAT IS IT? YOU GOT ME PARANOID NOW! eek " Sarah squeaked.
    "Why were you really so determined to help me?" Ian asks. Sarah froze, she didn't know how to answer that. Well, she did know... she just didn't know if she could answer that.
    "Um... well... I... Anna said...."
    "Enough about Anna." Ian interupted. "I want to hear what YOU think and say."
    "I hated seeing you like this. Six years of you pleading for the hauntings to stop! I hear your cries. I sense your pain! I want to help because I care about you and I..." Sarah stopped and looked away.
    "You... what?" Ian urged her.
    "I like you." Sarah whispered. Ian knew this now but it still surprised him. He smiled and leaned against the wall. "There's something I haven't seen in a while." Sarah smiled back. "You find my feelings amusing?"
    "Only a little. What really amuses me was that I had been so blind. Too blind to see it sooner. Your patience for all these years also has me amused."
    "I figured as much." Sarah giggled. "So... you ready join me and visit the rest of the world before this feeling wears off?" Sarah offered her hand once more.
    "I guess so." Ian gently grabbed her hand. "But I'm not visiting... I'm here to stay."

    The End. ^_^