• Finally after my third class and third time writing “family emergency” on a slip of paper as a homework excuse, I got to my locker, only to open it and find another reminder of the weekends past. A white card slipped out off the locker and feel to my feet. Glancing down, I can see one line typed in black ink but couldn’t quite read it, picking it up the line held only one word, one word that was loaded like a gun. It read “why?” I glanced around searching for anyone who could have read the note, or even slipped it in the metal locker. I flip the card over and check the back for any evidence of the notes author….nothing. Nobody in the hall crowded of people seemed to worried or curious about the card stock note in my hand. A 2 minute warning bell rang and I folded the note and crammed it in to my back pocket, I had to get through the day and there wouldn’t be a way to make it successfully with the memories of the weekend starting at me.
    Four more classes and four more “family emergency” notes written until the last bell rang. The day had dragged on and felt longer then ever, the fresh air outside of school felt good, until he pulled up in his dark blue Lincoln , “get in” he said, “no thanks Dustin, I think I’ll just walk” somewhere deep inside I wish I could get in that car with the Dustin I used to know, the safe Dustin. Instead the new Dustin insisted “would you just get in the damn car, I haven’t seen you since the party and I would like you to get in the car, people are going to start wondering if I’m even your boyfriend anymore after the seen you mad Saturday night” somehow I didn’t even expect him to worry “after the scene I made….whatever.” I got in the car, attempting to avoid any farther bruising on my arms.