• A beautiful morning, birds chirping and squirrels scurrying everywhere.CRUNCH! "Need water!"SNAP CRUNCH SNAP! The branches snapped under Seperadas feet. As he sighed he found a river."Yes!" Seperada yelled. As he drank he saw a bounty hunter. Seperada thought "Another damn hunter?". He heard a bullet fly through the air."You're hide is mine Seperada!". SPLAT! The blood of the enemy covered the grass."Why don't you damn bounty hunters leave me alone?" Seperada whispered in the bounty hunters ears as he heard his final words.

    Seperada continued to home. Seperatia, Seperadas homeland.
    Seperatia was a bountiful village that, in legends, was made of gold!
    As Seperada walked on to home he heard a twig snap. He thought," Is that another damn bounty hunter?". He looked down at the ground and saw a snapped twig under his foot."Man! I'm getting to jumpy", he said'"SNIFF SNIFF, dude! I really smell!" he yelled in disgust. He could hear a nearby waterfall. As he took a heavy shower he heard a cart and horse. He ran to the traveler and asked" Where are you going?""To claim your hide""what are you", he looked up to see a bounty hunter,"crap..." To be continued in Chronicles of Fear:Chronicle I Seperada: Book two:Undying Hate.