• Terran was soaring silently across the skies, he was a light blue dragon, hard to spot from the ground, his scales shimmering like silver as he bent and twisted through the sky, his wings was about 4 yards in length fully stretched and he was not one of the largest dragons around.

    He was on his way back to his nest when he saw it, another dragon standing there, waiting for him to come, Dragons being territorial Terran simple roared and speed up flying straight towards the black drake.

    The black drake was a tad larger than Terran, with four horns coming out of its skull, a menacing sight when you noticed the row of razor sharp teeth, it roared itself and lifted of flying straight towards Terran.

    Soon the two Dragons clashed together with a roar and soon the skies itself started roaring, the nearby villagers was scrambling to get inside their houses as the two dragons kept fighting, soon, cones of fire was seen as the two dragons started fire breathing to try and kill the other, Terran hit the black drake first soon followed by a tail swipe on close range, the spiked and sharp tail cut through the black dragons skin making it bleed heavily, the enemy responded with another cone of fire hitting Terran spot on.

    Terran flinched and had to move his head away to not get knocked out from the heat, he retaliated with a cone of fire himself, hitting the other drakes cone, soon the flames burst out in a small explosion between the drakes and they both flew a few paces away.

    They both roared again and crashed into each other, but this time Terran got in a bite, he bit the Neck of his enemy, crunching the bones, He dropped the now immobilized dragon on the ground before flying back to his nest laying down and starting to rest.