• Chapter 6 Knowing The Animal:
    Arc reawakened and shot up with a growl. “Whoa, whoa, calm down. Zeta’s gone and Steven went to get some food. How are you?” Arc tried to look around in the dark at their new camp then sat on the log behind him “I’ve got a headache, that’s all. What happened? All I remember is getting up from the punch then it felt like my brain was on fire.” Amy gave him a sympathy look then heard a bush rustling behind her. They both jolted up “Hey, take it easy. It’s just me.” Steven said as he was carrying half a dozen fish. He laid the fish down in front of the fire. “So your finally awake? Tell me what was it like?” He stared at Arc. “It felt like my brain was on fire, and I can’t really remember anything. The little bit I do remember it felt like burning rage was eating through me.”

    Steven nodded “Yes the Wolf Twilight was taking over. Each Twilight Animal has an emotional trigger. The wolf’s would appear to be anger, however if the animal takes over completely it will stay that way. We got lucky Zeta left when he did.” Amy was looking in the book “It says to control the Twilight Animal you must have complete control over its trigger.” Arc laid down “Well, we can start that training tomorrow.”

    When Arc woke up Amy and Steven were still sleeping. He quietly sneaked out of their camp. He went back to where they’d been fighting. He found the spot where he got up from the punch and when it happened. There were claw marks in the ground. Most likely he ran in that direction, but what are these claw marks from. Were they from him? As he followed them he noticed they stopped. A scale was on the ground, and as he went to pick it up a stick flew by his face. “So Arc you were stupid enough to come back here. Alpha’s still sleeping which means it’s fun time.” Arc turned to his right. Zeta was about five feet from him “Zeta, you want to get beat again so badly?” Zeta stopped smiling “Oh, I do just hate a cocky attitude especially since the only reason you weren’t dead in the first three seconds is because of your friends.”
    Zeta began to change “Arc if you want to die sssso badly than let’s fight.” The moment after he said that he disappeared. “Ok, Zeta stop hiding” Arc felt a sharp pain in his back. “Open assss alwaysssss, maybe the wolf twilight issssn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Arc turned with a spinning kick and missed. Zeta ducked the kick and went for an uppercut which Arc barley managed to dodge. Crap he’s fast, but I have to focus… there! Arc punched to his left and Zeta flew into a boulder. Arc flung himself upon Zeta to keep him down. “So, Zeta you still think this is a game?!”