• Chapter one: My memories of war

    “MIDNIGHT! Hide!” Yelling mixed with gun shots and explosions. I hid in my tent with my mother, Alexandra, and my grandmother, Toribae. We were in the middle of a huge war. My father, Kamryn, is an elven dragon rider/tamer who is off the chain wicked cool with swords. He won’t let me leave the tent though, which is a blasted bummer. And so, as a rebellious 11 year old, I’ve decided that when Toribae and Alexandra fell asleep, I’m making a run for it. No, that’s not the answer. I’m in the middle of London, England, so I have no where to go!
    I’m still afraid but don’t want to show it. If my mother, grandmother, and father die, I’m the one who should lead on the destiny. I had 4 older brothers, Brandon, Hickoryn, Branec, and Dragcon, and 3 older sisters, Marie, Midna, and Miane.
    I’ll wait for a couple hours and then make my escape. I started planning this. I was making the final adjustment until the blasted tent door was blown apart. A couple of the anti-vampires, Crytons, walked in, each armed with a different weapon.
    You could tell they weren’t men because men don’t have charcoal black wings and blood stained talons on their hands and feet. They also didn’t have burning black hair and blood red eyes that could’ve straight and dead-on killed me.
    Crytons were once part of the clan, but that was until they got caught and experimented on. They grew wings, longer fangs, talons, and claws. They’re faster and tougher than any normal vampire or vampiress.
    They moved in, surrounded Alexandra, Toribae, and myself. They spoke directly to my mother in some strange language. She cocked her head because she didn’t know what they were saying. They were speaking a language Kamryn had taught me when I was younger. I screamed loudly but then all I remember is pain. My head throbbed in agony and my head felt like it was melting.
    I got picked up by the arms and held out my hands. My hands felt warm and fuzzy and then, nothing. Alexandra and Toribae were gone. I waited until the pain went away before I looked up. There they were, dead, lying on the ground with the rest of the Crytons. I recognized 4 of them but couldn’t remember their names.
    That’s what happened in the beginning of the Vampire Wars. I hardly remember anything beside that memory and the memory of burying Alexandra, Toribae, Kamryn, Hickoryn, Branec, Miane, and Marie.
    The following morning was the worst for me. My arm was totally wrapped in pain, along with the rest of my body. Two shapes were looming over me, my best friends, Marc and Lili Blake. I’ve probably known them both since I was two. Lili and I were inseparable at birth. Marc is Lili’s younger brother by forty-nine seconds. Fraternal twins I think is what they are. Well, better let ya’ get on reading. Your brains are probably bored by now.