• One day in, 1978 A woman found out she was pregnant. Now normally this would be good news but this lady lived in a very polluted town in Britain and she was afraid she would have trouble raising her child. Now I know what your thinking, Why dosn't she just move to another town?Well, she couldn't, She was far to poor so she had to go through with having her child.
    Finally, after keeping the baby as safe as she could inside of her, her son who she named Scott came out and the first two years of his life were great. But when Scott hit age three, his mom noticed somethin odd about his hair. It was a blood red and hwhen ever she stroked his head he'd cry for hours.
    Later when Scott hit age frour his mom cut his hair and he automatically
    screamed then fainted. Scott ended up in the emergency room and the doctors and Scott's mom were shocked to learn Scott actually never had hair but sharp nerves that grew thorugh his skull and grew like hair.For the rest of his life, Scott's mom kept him locked in a basement room where no harm would come to him many by passers often would often here Scoot's blood-curdling screams and tried to avoid that house. Eventually, Scott's mom needed to cut his hair again because it was insanely long, and when she did they caused him so much pain his heart gave out and his mom was devastated...