• A loud siren suddenly goes off!
    "Not again,"says Kent," I was just getting to sleep."
    Kent slowly gets out of bed and puts on his uniform. After three years in the force Kent still had trouble adjusting to the schedule. He stumbled over to the alarm clock which was placed on a table across the room. He knew that if he put it on the night stand that he would just hit snooze and roll over and return to sleep. No, he wouldn't do that again. He thought back to the last time he had arrived at his post late. The chief was almost determined to get rid of him. Kent had no clue why either, he always remembered being the best of his class at physical training and was just smart enought to be able to outwit any crime this eutopia could throw his way. Seeing as the main crime was a simple robot malfunction at a local drug store and some teenagers would try to sneak out with a candy bar or other items of little value.

    As Kent picked up his badge the monitor flashed green.
    "Ugh, you have got to be kidding me!" Kent sighed as he touched the screen.
    "Valen what on Mars do you think you are doing, you are over thirty seconds late," The chief was obviously in a terrible mood that morning, not unusual.
    "Good morning chief, you sound happy this morning." Kent said without even trying to hide his sarcasm. The chief was a rather tall man who always wore a pair of red rimmed sunglasses, Kent always thought they made him look like a girl. The chief usually would return with some long rant about how he was doing his job before the robots were even operating on this planet. Most people were growing tired of the robots on the other planets working so well and as soon as the main system was shipped to the next colony, the entire planet would completely overload. Uprisings everywhere, people had no combat experience and it didn't matter since the weapons went with the shipment that contained the first robot, which was the only thing smart enought that could operate the automated robotic assembly unite. So they cleverly named him, ARAU. Kent quickly got into his cruiser and sped off to his post completely unaware of what was going to begin on this very day, what had already happened, and what was happening as he argued with the chief