• The town of Aerostil was quiet. The birds of the woods chirped happily. She stared at the buildings, and then the woods. This was her birth town? If this was her birth town, why didn’t she recognize any thing? Yes, she was very little when she left Aerostil, but she just wants to remember what it’s like here. The tall, neutral-colored buildings made of stone gave her a sense that was never felt before. She was finally home.
    She looked up to see the café sign: The Stonewall Café.
    A pretty plain name for a pretty plain town, she thought. She looked away from the sign, and walked towards the lush, green forest. It felt like something was pulling her to go there. Emotionless, she walked into the woods. She wandered, and wandered.
    Nothing interesting is going to happen. Why did I come here? She thought. Then, something caught her eye. She crouched to see what it was. It was something that looked like an arrowhead. It had the color of all sorts of blue, and it was clear. She thought the arrowhead was made out of a type of gem. It was still sharp, and it looked like it was made in ancient times. If you could describe the arrowhead in one word, it would be “beautiful”.
    “Radiance!” The girl turned around only to see her 15-year-old brother running to her.
    “What, Dairen?”