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  • Artist Info: I am a 10th grader at Staples Motley High school. I like rain, doesn't matter how hard it rains or how cold it is. Also i like hail, no matter how hard its coming down. lastly i like cloudy days, i'm not a big sunny day person. my left eye is hyper sensitive to light sometimes, wich might be why i'm not a fan of sunny days. also, snow, i like snow, lots and lots of snow. My hobbies year round include reading, riding bike, hanging out with my dad, breaking stuff, trying to fix stuff, hanging with my freinds, walking, and playing with fire. I'm a pretty good person if you take the time to get to know me. though i lack emotions a majority of the time. as far as i remember (wich isn't saying much) i've only had one serious injury and that was when i broke my skull open when i was 5. other then that i had several minor injuries: when i was 11 i got second degree burns on half my right hand, and when i was 12 i got hit by a car while walking up to the hospital in Wadena MN. Thats about it... i think...
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