• Snowy World

    We never get snow where we are
    It is always rain, rain!!!
    Never came’s a drop of white!
    That I have never seen with my eye!

    Years pass and I never see what people love
    To play and have fun
    That Never happened to me and thought would never happen
    Until one day, my wish came

    A simple rainy day, no white but rain
    In a dreary January
    My grandma knitting
    My mom reading, nothing to do

    Then I walked and yelled, “Look”
    My mom had a big smile
    I smile I never seen
    She said “Snow”!!!

    My grandma didn’t believe!
    Neither did me
    Until I saw with my eyes
    A Snowy world

    The World we knew
    That was lush with water
    Now was A Snowy World
    Our car, Lawn everything

    It was a dream coming true
    I ran and fell to the ground
    Pushing my arms up and down
    My grandma saying, “A Snow angel”!

    It was a snowy world.
    It was not a dream!
    But a pure treats!
    That I hope we have soon!