• I smell the cripsness in the air
    I know white gold will be there
    outside, where I might find
    something to please every kind
    of person who is near and far
    here on Earth or on a star

    Snow is the thing that we should love
    it comes from our cold air above.
    Who denies it's cold touch?
    Who would think it's too much?
    It's not a burdon on our chest
    To have it, we are very blessed!

    You don't see children play in rain,
    people think that's a pain.
    You don't see children play in sleet,
    even cars aren't on the street.
    You don't see children play in hail,
    the very sight makes us pale.

    So, next time you see the snow
    there is somewhere you should go
    It's called 'outside', in case you've heard
    So go there now, you lazy turd!