• All of us hate to admit
    The fact that we're all gluttons for attention
    Exploiting from the most ridiculous of things
    To the wisest of ideas to have ever been mentioned

    Social Media. A noun.

    It bears a tyrant that hides in the shadows
    It crawls. Devours.
    From it, destructive egos are gnawed awake;
    The grave need to appear unblemished.

    Social media. A drug.

    Those who cannot agree are sure to be hypocrites
    We check, every hour, every minute, every second
    To see if a mere picture or post or argument
    Would be notable to not only one but all

    Social media. A bastille.

    A fetter that confines us in a world of our own
    A world full of self-indulgence, a world full of ‘you’
    But in most cases
    A world that is not a world at all

    Social media. A new era.

    The peeling of human skin, of human eyes
    A new age of pitch black, of white lies
    Social media, once pure -- a bridge builder
    Now close to a phony ‘getaway utopia’

    Control, foreign to those who find comfort in it
    The continuous keyboard clacking, the need to go back
    Twist, groan, and eventually give up
    Social media. Turn that computer off.