• What keeps the world go round?
    Love? Peace? Faith? Harmony?
    No, none of these.
    Two objects keeps the world go round.
    Let's people live, have shelter, have food on the table.
    Do you know what they are?
    Thin, small pieces of paper and round pieces of scrap metal.
    These small things make a big difference.
    They choose most of what your life consists.
    And if you don't realize it, it's money.
    Money is what makes the world go round.

    Now, we must look past this, make a different movement, and let the world spin on another thing.
    Let's let the world spin on love, peace, faith, and harmony.
    But in order for us to do so, we need to work together.
    If we do nothing and let this greed spin, then nothing will happen.
    We still will sit here and let it burden us.
    Let this one thing control us.
    Us, as in everyone on this planet Earth, needs to make movement for the better, and not for the worse.
    Wake up everyone, see the real picture.