• Evergreen

    I hide behind my mask; this frail, black fence
    Is the only thing they left
    It wasn’t this way before
    I had no control, like those who stay evergreen

    They tore my roots to shreds and peeled away my bark
    Letting thick, red sap run free
    My branches,wider than the others, break
    Are slowly shedding, falling to the earth
    The seasons took ahold of me
    She said it’d be ok - Her tongue was twisted with lies
    I’ve shed all my leaves - Lay them down to rot
    I had no control, like those
    Who stayed evergreen

    They are so beautiful
    Snow dusted over their slender forms
    Scabs form over where my brittle limbs had once been.
    I had no control, like those
    Who stayed evergreen

    With one last strike, they break my remaining walls
    Leaving my bare body exposed
    My feet succumb to their hate
    I fall with a loud crack
    A sigh of relief escapes their mouths

    They burn my remains - breathe in the smoke
    No tears through their smiles
    They seem happy without me

    I had no choice
    I had no control
    They took away my chance
    To become evergreen