• Everything is ending.
    I am small, weak, and foolish.
    I am naïve, and a huge klutz.
    I graduated high school less than a month ago.
    Everything happened so fast.
    Time blurred into the secrets whispered
    and the memories shared between my friends and me.
    Maybe we’re better off forgetting each other.
    The mistakes, and all those embarrassing moments.
    But those memories-those faults,
    are what makes us who we are.
    I trusted the wrong people,
    oblivious to the meaning of the word “friend.”
    Others were different.
    They shot me down and made me feel insignificant.
    But I am not insignificant.
    I am stronger and better than they are.
    I’ve been ignored by the ones I call family.
    The people more absorbed in a bigger family star,
    Or just unaware.
    They’ve made barely an effort to say they’re proud of me.
    But I’m proud of me.
    I took on so many leadership roles.
    Team captain, vice-president of a club, president of another, and club representative.
    I pulled off school events while still maintaining a honor roll worthy GPA.
    Then there are my dreams.
    The ones to travel and grow.
    To study abroad, and graduate from college.
    I want to be smart and have the degree to prove it.
    I want to be independent and have my own life.
    That’s been my dream since before I could remember.
    Everyone dreams. Everyone loves.
    We are often held back on dreams because of love.
    People can love to dream and dream to love,
    But one can never have a dream where love doesn’t interfere.
    Over a year and a half ago,
    I fell in love.
    We became all that we needed and more.
    Every part of our future has been planned out
    So that we will always be together.
    This has forced me to give up the dream of one day
    Attending a mainland college,
    And going to another country to study abroad.
    Love limits our dreams,
    Providing me with an ultimatum,
    My life-long dream or him?
    I may be small, fragile, and gullible, and sometimes a huge ditz.
    And I might just be simple-minded and innocent,
    And I’ll fall on flat ground or going up the stairs,
    But that’s who I am.
    I know I’ll find my answer one day,
    And I know I’ll be satisfied with the decision I’ve made.
    After all,
    I am a big girl now.
    All grown up.

    For those who are in a situation like me, one way or another, fight through it. If you seem to be lost in the meaning of friends, just remember that they are probably the people who love you like family, and even if they don't, it is not the end of the world. There are new people you can meet everyday. As for family, if they don't see you for you, keep persisting and get involved in your school and community. And if you're torn between a dream and love, then find out which you'd rather have or better yet, find a way to make them work together. Please never give up. And I believe I have now found my answer.