• I see no fault in my being,
    Who I am or who I was,
    Yet others do and say so too,
    Their breath seems never ending.

    I hear no accident in the words I say,
    What is said or soon to be heard,
    Yet others do and say so too,
    Their breath seems never ending.

    I feel no pain in this life I have made,
    No wrong done or yet to happen,
    Yet others do and say so too,
    Their breath seems never ending.

    I taste no bitterness in what I speak,
    No words gone wrong or thought to happen,
    Yet others do and say so too,
    Their breath seems never ending.

    I sensed nothing wrong with what I burnt,
    No ill smell arose from the ashes,
    Yet others do and say so too,
    Their breath seems never ending.

    I fought no demons nor saw them within me,
    No sigh of them that seemed to swarm my being,
    Yet others did and said so too,
    Their breath seemed never ending.

    The others are gone,
    Burnt to dust,
    Their blood seems to stain the world I see,
    Their breath no longer never ends,
    Now it never began.

    I saw no wrong in what I did,
    Felt no pain in my chest from those now gone,
    Smelled nothing wrong within their ashes,
    Heard no pained words for forgiveness,
    Tasted no wrong doing upon my tongue.

    With no eyes to see,
    No touch to feel,
    No nose to smell,
    No ears to hear,
    No tongue to taste,
    They no longer speak of the wrong I have done,
    No longer see the demons within me,
    Their breath has ended.