• It saddens me to have to say Goodbye
    I am sorry I made you cry
    I don't know why
    But I knew I had to end the lie

    I love you once
    But the fire did die
    If only I knew why?
    I feel like I can hear you cry
    This is me saying Goodbye

    I can imagine all those tears
    that run down from your eyes
    Why must we say our goodbyes?
    Our love could not live on a lie
    That is why I must say Goodbye
    Even though my love for you has died
    I hope that your love for me will never die

    Once again I am sorry I made you cry
    Letting go of you is tough
    But if I were to hang on it would be just to rough
    The day would come when I had enough

    Trust me this is for the best
    We must part ways
    As you go East and I go west
    As all my love for you is in the past
    Even though yours was growing vast
    I truly feared our love wouldn't last

    Even though you were the only girl on my mind
    I thought of finding another from time to time
    If only we could rewind
    Turn back the hands of time
    I'd go back to when you were always on my mind
    But even then we would get back to hear
    We would find
    So let me tell you this, I once loved you!
    But I don't love you no more, so Goodbye......