• I difted into sleep in a field of white roses,each of them laid there petals upon me, and whispered a prayer, a prayer of strength,of harmonry, of resilience,and of solitude.
    And when I awoke, I saw many others around me,
    Each of them represented that of an angel.
    Tho I could not see there faces,I felt as if I knew each of them,
    Could I be still be dreaming I asked them?
    There are white roses and ribbons in my hair, and I have such radiant wings,and a pure white gown,As if i were clothed in light,everything glimmers,and I feel so light a feather,as if im an on cloud.
    Then one of them spoke,when you walk, I feel a gentle breeze, when you hold me, I feel the wings of an Angel around me, when i breathe in that moment, its like im being born again,when I see your eyes its like the starry night sky, when you speak, its as calm as the morning after a ranstorm, gentle as the morning dew. I knew this voice,it was the voice of a person who no longer exited,a person thats been gone a very long time,the person I love.And the poem in which he wrote just for me,
    Then the light around him dimmed and I saw his face,He smiled as did I,Please dont wake me from this eternal dream of mine.