• Time cuts short all that is right
    Stealing all away from the light
    Red on white
    Forever staining the blood with light
    Keep me safe and tight
    Never let my broken wings take flight
    Everything is wrong with right
    Pay to see this broken bloody sight
    Stay here with me till dawn’s early light
    Promise you’ll stay and hold me tight

    Lost forever holding my own
    Keeping the light I tried so hard to hold
    Veins bleed with blood and gold
    Loneliness cuts to the bone
    I’m lost forever
    My heart was your’s for never
    Smile empty soul
    Shine on you crazy diamond
    Fly me to the moon and back
    No one will miss us
    They’ll never notice that were gone
    Together we’ll sing our broken song

    Laughter cruel and breaking fast
    I’m lost forever at last
    Although it’s the end
    I have no regrets
    My end is my release
    Finally I am at peace
    Cast into fire and brimstone for all eternity
    Gone forever from the holy trinity
    Father, son and holy spirit
    My judgment they gave
    This place will forever be my grave
    Pain and sorrow mix as one
    Regrets...I have but one...