• Burning with fire, turning to ashes.
    One thing will change the other the same.
    Time and time again, as the fire burns.
    The side you will not see, the side forever remaining.
    The side you will see, the side forever changing.
    With grip on the past and no grasp on the future.
    You'll pass through like snow in december.
    Sun in the day and moon light at night.
    I'll see you then and see you again.
    Ice is freezing the fire thats burning.
    As you'll see, with no grasp on the past.
    You'll fade like the future and remain like the past.
    Dry like the tears, Flow like the blood.
    The memories stay, the pain subsides.
    We move on with our lives, one after another.
    As time goes by, one changes one stays the same.
    One will always remain with another.
    The other will never forget but, always remember.
    At the drop of a name, the pain will burn again.
    The ice will freeze the flame in time, but the scar will never fade.
    Leaving a mark, for all to see.
    One hoping the other will see..
    See that mark and remember.
    The burning memories