• I Hate to Love You

    What can you say about my looks?
    I say, you have little appeal to me
    -And yet when I see you I feel the need to take a photo just so I can have a longer look at your ugly mug

    What can you say about my personality?
    I say, it's terrible. You are the worst human being to ever spawn on this planet
    -And yet, I can see the wonderful person within the black hole where your heart is supposed to be

    Well... How do you feel about being around me?
    I say, I hate it and I wish for you to disappear every time I see you.
    -And yet, a feeling of comfort overwhelms me and just being in the same room as you feels... right

    Hmm... is that why you look away when I try to speak to you?
    I say, of course it is! You spout out inane nonsense and your voice makes me want to drive my head into this very wall
    -And yet, that inane nonsense secretly makes me laugh and when you're not around I hope and pray to hear that sweet voice of yours soon

    There has to be one thing you like about me
    I say, there isn't and you thinking so makes me want to vomit.
    -And yet, there's so little NOT to like about you, I get butterflies everytime think of you

    I say, why are you still bothering me?! Can't you see I hate you?

    I love you too...