• There's always that one song that takes you back to the exact moment,
    that lets you forget what you've really been through.
    That mesmerizes you to believe you're still pure,

    no regrets,
    no mistakes,
    didn't have to say goodbye to anything at all.

    To me,
    that 'song',
    is my tears.

    The one thing that shows how much something can hurt,
    the truth behind all those fake smiles,
    all that cheeriness,

    all the friendliness,
    when really,
    on the inside,

    i'm dying to scream to the whole world.
    That i'm not okay.
    That I want to die.

    That I feel like,
    I die every single day,
    every minute.

    That the whole world thinks that i'm out there,
    in front of them right on the surface.
    That i'm just a normal girl like everyone else.

    They don't understand my needs,
    not at all.
    They don't know what i've been through.

    Nobody ever will.
    They only ever came so close,
    but none dared to journey on.