• I eat pizza
    Too often
    I eat pizza so much it’s not a treat anymore
    I eat pizza to the point of
    To the point of…
    Thinking that it defines my life
    Pizza is an easy way out of dinner
    Like my life is
    Out of living
    Pizza is comfortable and
    Makes me complacent of food
    Complacent of my life
    Which I really should be living
    Especially at this age
    There was a time
    When pizza was delectable
    And special
    Now however pizza
    Is a lie
    A lie of nutrition
    For my body
    My soul
    A lie to my pocket book
    With each slice
    Ka-chinging another hard earned
    Dollar from my wallet
    Maybe i should eat
    A banana
    An honest food
    Only honest foods
    Get brown spots and look uglier
    The better they taste
    Only honest people
    Loving and kind people
    Get brown spots