• Onward cries the little one,
    Onward, We go to make it to the land
    where life will always flow,Onward,
    we go. Alice calls to the weeping ones
    and on the path they stay, this story
    has a begining,but ends are always late.

    Onward calls the mocking bird,
    Onward,they go,to make it to the land
    where life will always flow,Onward,
    sings the eldest bird to lead them from the path,
    little do our wanderers know of the land where life does flow.
    this story may seem happy but ends are always late.

    Onward yells the leader man,
    Onward must we go, to make it to the land
    where life will always flow, but the
    little ones are hungery...and the waters running low,
    Quicken your pace he tells this crowd,
    this story may seem harsh, but the end is still to come.

    Onward sighs the servant girl,
    Onward,must I go? To make it to the land
    where life will always flow, but to
    herself, she thinks inside..."Am I ready?""Is this right?"
    because to live forever is a long, long time.
    This story may confuse but the ending always comes.

    Onward, sighs the Land,
    Onward. They will come.
    step inside,
    freeze for all time.
    To live forever...
    Is a Long, Long Time.