• Doctor
    Once there was a traveler.
    A Wanderer of the Skies,
    Who drifted through the cracks,
    Between space and Time.

    This wanderer,
    This traveler in his blue box,
    Runs away,‭ ‬farther and farther,
    Running from the blood on his soul.

    Last of his race,
    Time-traveler of the Ages,
    Time Lord Victorious,
    Living lonely solitude.

    He is the Doctor,
    He is of Ice and Fire and Rage,
    He is the only benefactor‭
    Of the Human Race.

    Where others see a planet full
    Of resources,‭ ‬slaves and strife,
    The Doctor is the only one,
    Who sees the Earth so full of Life.

    He dances through Space and Time,‭
    Running and running from a distant past,
    Lone Time Lord,‭ ‬Last TARDIS,
    He drowns in the sorrow and strives to the Light.