• Have you ever wanted to capture a moment...? I have .. Have you ever wanted to stay in a moment forever...? I have.. Truth is everybody has... Have you ever wondered that behind that moment there's darkness within?... I have
    Yes, There's always darkness.. Even in your most important moments... There's darkness hidden... No moments are filled with Happiness... never .... Actually being happy is a rare emotion... Not everyone is happy.... Even in your most important moments no your not actually happy your just... Acting like if you are... It's like saying that you went to the zoo and you saw a tiger and you screamed and got scared that was so funny i was so happy at that time.. actually you were frightened ... do you call that Special moment in life? no.. take me as an example if you didn't get the story i told you a while ago..(it actually happened)
    My 2 friends and me went to buy slurpee... On the coldest day of the year... We walked we started whining we were all laughing we finally made it there and we were relieved that we escaped the cold... We laughed we had fun I thought that it was the happiest moment with them..... was that really being "happy" no we were suffering the cold we hated that day so much those laughs all fake and actually no one actually showed the expression that they were relieved they were acting like they had fun but no we didn't not at all i got really sick at that moment.. Everybody did we caught a bad fever.. Really bad that one of us fainted she had to go to the hospital...
    You call that the happiest moment in life? no...