• Floating ontop of the cool yet warm water as the sun shines
    The waves begin to settle a storm has past together bundled up
    Do you hear that?! its a change in the wind
    Once Bundled up becomes more apart the space widens as the current begins to move
    Floating along without a clue but yet you knew
    As the space widens try as you might you only get farther and farther
    Whats this you see? the same driftwood that you were bundled up together are yet again Bundled together
    As you float away you call out.....there is no respond one nearby has drifted to the middle
    Maybe drifting away like all the others? maybe staying in the middle? maybe drifting with you?
    As you float even further no point in calling you are too far away the sea is beautiful
    but is cruel and dangerous
    How could this happen?
    Why did this happen?
    The wood begins to decay turning a dark color wistfully thinking of friends
    how they drifted away
    Blamming everyone blamming yourself
    Regret like none of this world washes through
    The driftwood soon becomes dead sinking to the bottom..........
