• As I go through my regular routine
    For getting ready to go to sleep
    I wonder what I'll dream of tonight
    Will I dream of something great?
    Or will I die before I wake?
    I try to stop as I turn off the light

    I lay motionless and awake
    Waiting for day to break
    Finally,i fall asleep
    First,i only see the dark
    Then,there's a spark
    Of light before me

    The sound of sirens flow through my ears
    My brain aches from thoughts of fear
    I set my feet on the cold floor
    Looking around me
    Nothing in this room i've seen
    I wonder if I'm not me anymore

    Walking to the mirror
    Looking for an error
    But,all i see is myself
    Rubbing my head
    It's all full of dread
    I think I'm in hell

    As I walk out the front door
    I take one last look to the floor
    Hoping that's not the last thing i do
    The door opens to a red sky
    And still no one in sight
    I wish that everything was back to what i'm used to

    While i'm walking on cracked sidewalk
    I watch everything fall apart
    It seems that I'm the only thing lasting
    Tears stream down my cheeks
    Because of all the bodies in the streets
    Hearing the sounds of bombs blasting

    Finally, after walking for,what seems like an eternity
    My senses come back to me
    And i try to go back
    But,as i turn around
    i see everything has fallen down
    And there's no way i can go back

    When i weaken and collapse
    Everything i know is in the past
    I think of how i got in this mess
    Then,i wonder if all of this was a dream
    And everything was not what it seemed
    I then knew how i could back to the rest

    I ran back to the hole
    And just jumped because it was my goal
    To end this sadness
    I felt the wind on my face
    Trying to think of my perfect place
    Without me feeling heartless

    Suddenly,I wake up with fright
    Looking out the window to see if it's still night
    But,my eyes are blinded by the sun
    I then realized that it was all a dream
    That now everything was what it seemed
    And i sighed a sigh of satisfaction

    But,is it true?
    That everything i know's there
    Or was it another
    One of my peacful nightmares?