• I looked at him with the eyes that get people in trouble.
    I miss his eyes.
    Muddy green, they were.
    They have always been hard to see...
    Even after staring at them for three months...
    After three months of holding his hand I didn’t know what is felt like...
    After dancing together for three months I still didn't know how he moved...
    Not until a year after the last time we danced together.
    Not until his face was close enough for me to look into his eyes and see his soul.
    Not until the night I held this hand for a different reason.
    Not until the night I felt his hug.
    Not until I knew he did have emotions.
    Three months after I found this out... I didn't want it... For what reason?
    I don't need one.
    But I screwed up… I lied to myself.
    I do want it.

    -Wild Spirit