• Pushing life downhill with a plastered smile
    Moving so far I’m pushing the one hundredth and first mile
    You know nothing of me or my trials
    My dismal beliefs on what life is for me.

    Shattered dreams
    A shattered soul
    Nothing you do makes me whole.

    The thought of you with him makes my love tear and bend
    Of course I get hurt in the end
    When will it be my turn to finish and win?

    Shattered dreams
    A shattered soul
    Nothing you do makes me whole.

    The process is meant to start again
    When will you choose let my love in?
    Never is the answer, this I already knew
    Just hearing it from your lips makes me ever more so blue

    Shattered dreams become vivid nightmares.
    A shattered soul becomes a demonic presence.
    Thoughts of you become a disturbing essence…