• Why do I always cry
    Whenever you're around?
    What is it about your presence
    That always makes me frown?

    It seems as if you do it
    To teach me right and wrong.
    But all it does is hurt inside,
    The pain always prolongs.

    You're always saying things that you
    Don't think is a big deal.
    But it hurts more when you think that
    'Cause you don't know how I feel.

    I hurt inside, so deep, no lie
    And you're the only reason.
    Why can't you be encouraging
    And leave behind the treason?

    Whenever I am feeling ill
    Be there by my side.
    Make me feel better, in and out,
    I want to be your pride.

    Tell me just how much you care,
    Tell me, I need to know.
    Spoken words from you mean
    That you really love me so.

    It means that you still care for me,
    It means I'm not yet dead to you.
    It means I can try to make you happy
    The way I'm supposed to.

    If I have ever done a thing
    That made you ask, "Why?"
    Forgive me, I have my own question:
    Why do you make me cry?